When the anonymous “Satoshi Nakamoto” released Bitcoin to the world, Satoshi chose a successor as the “core maintainer”, aka chief developer of the open source, decentralized, non-governmental internet money. Gavin Andresen was Satoshi’s pick.
I’m excited to announce that Keenevention’s Bitcoin Panel will feature Gavin Andresen this year! Yes, the rules are being bent to allow Gavin to speak at Keenevention, as he’s not currently living in New Hampshire, but instead in nearby Amherst, MA.
It’s a very important time for the Bitcoin Panel, as the bitcoin community is currently divided over a possible “fork” in the bitcoin programming. Gavin and another core developer are currently debating with three other core bitcoin developers over the future of how bitcoin will (or won’t) scale up to meet an ever-increasing market. The debate is heated, and now the decision on the future of bitcoin is in the hands of its miners. Can Gavin and his supporters sway the miners to make the switch to his new software, BitcoinXT?
Keenevention’s Bitcoin Panel is taking place in the midst of this strife within the bitcoin community. If you have questions for Gavin, Keenevention 2015 is a perfect opportunity to ask them on-stage or off.
Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.
Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more announcements, including more panels and another keynote speaker. You can also follow Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.