The police in Manchester finally pounced on a spontaneous 4:20 celebration today in Veteran’s Park. (Is this the first civil disobedience arrest in Manchester?) After being illegally searched by the police, Brian Manning was arrested, allegedly for possession of cannabis. After shaking down the rest of the group, Big Mike is told he can leave. As he is surrounded by the police, he walks between two and brushes against one of them (it happens at 3:20 in the video). He is then immediately grabbed and arrested for assaulting a police officer! Big Mike is currently in Valley St. jail in Manchester and is allegedly refusing to identify himself. Remember, in the “land of the free”, refusing to identify yourself will result in you being locked in prison for an indeterminate period of time, as Sam discovered last year.
Here’s the raw footage of Mike’s arrest. If anyone has other footage of the scene (especially Brian’s arrest), please post links to the comments!