“Weeda Claus” Reports From Grafton Deliberative Session

bobcRecently I shared a couple of news articles describing the contentious scene at this year’s Grafton deliberative session. I had wondered what the activists would have to say about the scene there and now Bob “Weeda Claus” Constantine has weighed in:

I am one of the unfortunate people that the town of Grafton, NH sends a demand note to, often euphemistically and oxymoronically referred to as a property tax bill by government apologists. Therefore I attended the annual Town Meeting or Deliberative session on Feb. 7th 2015, in an attempt to reduce the theft and rattle my chains, well aware of my forced subservient position within the coercive government food chain. Plus I know they’ll steal my home if I don’t pay their ransom.


This year’s meeting was again run sloppily by Susan Frost, a serial bureaucrat and the same moderator who proclaimed her “fairness” in her 2014 Town meeting preamble by quoting Voltaire. You know the quote, something like I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Less than two hours later, she had Brian Fellers, a friend and a forthright long time Grafton resident, arrested for asking the deliberative body to “examine his right of free speech”, that is, if you still believe in that kind of stuff. Or “being disruptive”, if you think Voltaire quotes sound good, but weren’t meant to actually be followed. No, I’m not making that up. Brian has stated the real reason he was arrested in 2014, was that he told the Police Chief prior to his arrest that he was there to cut his budget which had bloated enormously in recent years. Brian does not mince words. The cop has a gun. Guns, sadly trump words. Apparently Voltaire is an electrical term to the double dipping salaried and hourly overtime paid Police Chief. (more…)

Got five minutes? Make a call for Weeda Claus!

BobFrom Copblock.org:

Last week Bob “Weeda Claus” Constantine was found “guilty” of possession of marijuana by 12 jurors at Grafton County (NH) superior court. Today Bob begins his 60-day sentence.

Let’s remind those responsible for caging Bob – a peaceful, non-violent man – that they are in the wrong. Bob was growing a plant on his property. Who is the victim? Where was the harm?

Take five-minutes today and on as many of the next 59 days as you can, to call one or both of these numbers:

Melissa Pierce – 603.787.6968 (Grafton Co. “district attorney”)
Grafton Co. Jail – 603.787.6767

Bob was victorious. Despite the 60-day jail sentence (two years of “prohibition” and $1,0o0 “fine”) he stood up for what was right. Thanks in advance for your support!

UPDATE: Her email is mpierce@co.grafton.nh.us

NH Magazine asks “Is the Live Free or Die State Ready for Legal Weed?”

The current (January 2012) edition of New Hampshire Magazine prominently features Bob “Weeda Claus” Constantine in the cover story, “Up In Smoke: Is the Live Free or Die State Ready for Legal Weed?” In addition to being Weeda Claus, Bob is an advocate for jury awareness at NHJury.com and will launch the “Just Say Know” campaign with other Fr33 Agents in 2012. Along with Bob, Kirk McNeil of the New Hampshire Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy, John Tommasi of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), State Senator Jim Forsythe and State Representative Evalyn Merrick – someone who personally benefitted from medical marijuana – all represent the view that the prohibition of cannabis should end.

The following is the “Waging War” section from NH Magazine’s “Up in Smoke” article:

Photo of Bob Constantine by P.T. Sullivan for NHMagazine.com

If asked to name the longest war on record that was declared and fought by the U.S. government, what would you answer? The Revolution? World War II? Vietnam? Iraq and Afghanistan? Not even close. This is the 40th year of the “War on Drugs,” first declared by President Nixon in 1971. The Obama administration declared it was dropping the term “war” in 2009 but, linguistic quibbles aside, the same basic battle strategy continues.In most discussions about crime and its consequences, everyone involved is usually careful to first cite the plight of the victims of the crime: the beaten child, the grieving mother. Alongside the victims are the law enforcement officers who have performed their duty in pursuit of justice. But here’s where it gets sticky. (more…)

Plymouth State University Right to Carry Rally

As published at freeconcord.org.

Brad Jardis and Tommy Mozingo take questions from the crowd

It was showtime, and no one much desired to be the first to stand in the courtyard. In front of the Hartman Union Building (HUB) at Plymouth State University, first came the journalists, then the (technically) counter protesters. They were organized with signs. Their protest began as they stood in a line, more signs than students. A familiar cast from independent media streamed in. Sheriff’s deputies, state troopers and, to a much lesser extent, university police formed compacted columns at all major walkway points of entry.

The chalk sat locked in my trunk, but I bore two arms as I awaited Brad Jardis and Tommy Mozingo’s responsible gun carry outreach event. My customary sidearm, the Nikon Coolpix S570 sat mounted atop my telescopic tripod. On my hip was a spare battery and a fully unloaded 8 gigabyte SD card. Slung on my back, in a portable DVD player case that functions superior to any camera case I’ve seen for the purpose, was a a JVC mini DV camcorder with a single battery pack. The young dinosaur of the pre-digital age was at the ready in the case that I expended all of my digital video, or if any action required the 32x optical zoom capability. (more…)