by Derrick Horton | May 2, 2012 |
“There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supercedes all other courts.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Today, May 1, 2012 at 9:30am I signed a plea deal. Attached below are scanned copies of the terms. The long and short of it is that I will be going to jail for 60-115 days, starting May 7th at 4:20pm. Even though it will be a tough experience, I feel a sense of relief because I have certainty whereas I had none before.
I was facing 4 trials, with charges collectively totaling about 9 years in jail. Even if I were found not guilty by a jury in each case, I would still serve about 80 days jail time in fines. This is essentially a time-saver. It’s like a bully is forcing me to choose between the unattractive options of being kicked in the shins today or being knocked out sometime in the next year. By signing the plea deal, I’m mitigating my potential exposure to further harm.
Hindsight is 20/20, and while I’ve taken note of my mistakes, I don’t regret my actions because they were always totally peaceful. No one is alleging that I have harmed anybody or damaged any property. The past year in Keene has been an invaluable learning experience, and I’d prefer to take a hit for living free than to allow paralyzing fear to cause inaction.
Court Documents
by Derrick Horton | Apr 23, 2012 |
For those following, I wanted to keep you up to date on the latest word from the prosecutors. You can read the three latest e-mail below. I’m making the best of this bad situation by planning a cross-continent trip covering exciting activism while I am in exile. More on that project to come!
E-mail the Third:
Dear Mr. Horton,
I am pleased to report to you that Attorney McLaughlin is willing to accede to your request and make the period of suspension on his charges one year, rather than the originally envisioned two. Based on our previous e-mails, and your representation regarding a willingness to plead, the new proposed global resolution is as follows:
by Derrick Horton | Apr 17, 2012 |
In the past week, I have been conversing via e-mail with some the men who are prosecuting me. I have copied the correspondence below for public perusal. I am feeling confused because my need to understand and be understood is not being met. It would make life more wonderful for me and meet my need of understanding to receive constructive feedback regarding ideas on how to proceed. Please send e-mails with suggestions to LiveFreeOrDance (at) gmail (dot) com
E-mail 5: (Prosecutors’ “Final Offer”) April 17, 2012
Dear Mr. Horton,
My e-mail to you dated April 12, 2012 and sent at 9:46 AM (see below) constitutes my and Attorney Webb’s final offer prior to trial. Regarding the charges Attorney McLaughlin is prosecuting, you will need to contact him directly.
Should the matters being prosecuted by me proceed to trial, all charges will be brought forward for trial, and, should the State prevail, the State is, obviously, not bound by the proposed resolution below.
by Derrick Horton | Apr 13, 2012 |
I miss my gays.
At the time I write this, I have stayed up all night, exhausted by the mental energy I’ve exerted negotiating via e-mail with the little boys in men’s suits who are seeking to put me in a jail cell.
I didn’t know what I was getting into when I came to Keene to be an activist. I wanted to stand on the right side of history. I wanted to live and breathe total liberty. I wanted to show the world the limitless joys their imaginations don’t permit them to envision. I wanted to be famous. I dared to dream.
by Derrick Horton | Apr 9, 2012 |
On Friday evening, some friends came to the Cheshire County House of Corrections (AKA the Keene Spiritual Retreat) with $500. They gave it to some of the agents working there with an agreement that in exchange, the agents would release me from their cage. I am now out of jail, but I am to be under house arrest.
THANK YOU to those of you who donated to my bail campaign. When it is returned after trial, it will be reinvested to help the next victim of state aggression. Any amount over the initial $500 needed will go toward paying legal council. That donation page can be found here.
Thank you also to those of you who visited, wrote letters, made phone calls, wrote blogposts, and shared links on facebook. I’ve caught up on everything facebook related, but since a lot of the letters didn’t reach the jail before I left, it will take more time to get back to those (since they have to forward them to me).
Thanks especially to those of you who filmed and edited video of the story. I have no doubt that this video helped to introduce the story and get everyone on the same page and resulted in my speedy return.
I have blogged extensively about my experience at It’s a dream to be a part of a community that is so supportive. Thank you.