At the Threat Management Center, the Priority is Not Making it Home

How many of us have been told by police employees that the reason they must take such aggressive actions is to “make it home to my family”? That mindset, according to Threat Management Center founder Dale Brown, is flawed. Instead, those tasked with protecting others – those who take a salary to do so, should have as their highest priority the safety of others.

Incentives matter. Police, as currently structured, will never provide protection, justice or be accountable. Dale Brown and his colleagues at Threat Management center are proving that these services are better supplied through consensual interactions.


  • [website] Threat Management Center
    The objective of our organization is to make the world safer by denying the opportunity for violence to take place. By using tactical psychology, tactical law, and tactical skills, we create conditions which, by design, are not conducive for violence. V.I.P.E.R.S. Threat Management emphasizes the use of deterrence, detection, and defense to achieve non-violent outcomes.
  • [website] Police Accountability Tour
    The Police Accountability Tour, on the road from mid-August until December, will maximize police accountability by facilitating connections and collaboration among those who know that badges don’t grant extra rights, and through skill sharing and the capturing and dissemination of relevant content. This tour will help further connect individuals involved with Cop Block, Cop Watch, and Peaceful Streets groups as well as all police-watching groups and people around the world, so we can together advance a reality free from institutionalized violence. (more…)

The First 24 Hours in Detroit

ideasbulletprooftruckOn Sunday morning, a black Tahoe with IDEAS ARE BULLETPROOF and NO MASTERS NO SLAVES emblazoned on its sides, and COPBLOCK.ORG on its rear cruised out of Keene, New Hampshire, headed for the Motor City in Michigan. Piloting the truck, I was scheduled to pick up Pete Eyre from the airport that evening after the day’s ride West. Detroit is the sixth of nine cities being visited on the in-progress 2013 Police Accountability Tour. Pete and fellow videographer Jacob Crawford began the tour in Austin, Texas, at the Police Accountability Summit hosted by the Peaceful Streets Project. The tour continued in New York City before going global with an extended stop in Cape Town, South Africa. Returning to Jacob’s home town of Oakland, California, Pete continued solo on to Denver, Colorado before reaching our present location in Detroit.

Each city has its own unique issues with monopolist police services. Detroit is known for having a historically overzealous police force, which has been the subject of so many internal investigations that the US Department of Justice was tasked to oversee reformation efforts in the early aughts. Even with state and federal oversight of government mismanagement, the city is still plagued with some of the most violent neighborhoods in the nation, where many police officers refuse to patrol and 911 response times are disturbingly long, not uncommonly taking upwards of an hour. (more…)

Garret to Join Police Accountability Tour in Detroit

Garret Ean will soon join the nine-city, four-month Police Accountability Tour that aims to get folks on the ground better-connected, to share and facilitate the exchange of ideas and practices related to police accountability, and to ultimately erode the plague of police statism.

Garret is stepping-in for Jacob Crawford, who co-founded the tour with me a few months back based on discussions we had during the spring and while at PorcFest in June.

Jacob, a longtime Bay-area copwatcher who started and who a decade ago made These Streets Are Watching, the first know your rights video using on the street (not dramatized) footage, needs to focus his attention on some police accountability efforts specific to the Bay. (more…)

AKPF Remix Unprecedented

2013_09_19_akpfAiring on this week’s AKPF #1 timeslot is an unprecedented revamp of Dolus, a prior episode. The infamous CoK official DPRK video of the ‘doctored’ Robin Hooding is replaced with courtroom footage to put you in the action with cast and dedicated fans of the Aqua Keene Parking Force. Additionally, fans receive more content from amateur videographer Peter ‘Sturdy’ Thomas, who did not appear in the court proceedings. See for yourself why AKPF is #1 in the Robin Hood:

Paul Takes the Parking Ticket to Court

amish_paulWhile attending the three day long trial of Rich Paul, friend of Free Keene ‘Amish Paul’ was ticketed twice in two days. During that trial, courtroom doors were locked between breaks in which no re-entry was permitted. Having received a green flier from Robin Hood of Keene suggesting he consider challenging the ticket, Paul took the two tickets to court, and on October 17, a trial was held in his honor.

Paul was requested to arrive at 10:00am, and entering the courtroom shortly thereafter, he found one parking enforcer already awaiting the proceedings in the audience. The state’s prosecutor approached Paul and informed him that one ticket was being prosecuted today, and the other dismissed, as only one of the two parking enforcers who had issued the tickets was available for court. Delighted to have achieved one victory before the contest started, he would wait through another forty-five minutes of pretrial hearings and plea deals before the parking ticket case was called.
