AKPF Reviews CoK Hit Video on Robin Hooders

robin-hood-wanted-little-johnDays after the city of Keene published an embarrassingly poor quality, overchopped video linked from the front page of their website, the producers of AKPF #1 have responded by illustrating the number of doctorations contained in the thirteen minute shameful sham. Check out this sneek peek at content to be featured in the fourthcoming AKPF #1 episode 08. Episode 07 will air this coming Monday, July 1. Catch up on the exciting variety series from the beginning at youtube.com/AquaKeene.

From 1:29 through 14:49, the complete and uncut production by anonymous CoK forces is played, with the only additions being music during silent title interludes and the counters at the bottom of the screen documenting the quantity of dastardly edits.

Did Someone Order a 91-A Request?

Yesterday I received in the mail a semi-update on the Robin Hood lawsuit. My discovery request is apparently being treated partially as a 91-A request, which entitles you to a friendly letter from the city (in this case, penned by jester Mullins himself). He affirmed that he still reserved the right to object to my discovery request, and I have yet to hear word back on that.

jester_moscowitz_bauerEarlier in the week, while myself and many other activists from across the Earth were in northern New Hampshire attending the tenth Porcupine Freedom Festival, the royalty deeming itself the city of Keene spent more of the people’s stolen labor value hiring fancy pants lawyers from Concord to run interference for their case. Myself and others received a notice of appearance by the lawfirm Gallagher, Callahan, and Gartrell, with Eric G. Moscowitz (aka No. 18961) and Charles P. Bauer (aka No. 208) to be sidekicking on the city’s frivolous folly.

In a debasingly juvenile move by ‘the city of Keene’, someone(s) with incredibly limited experience working with video did the disservice of not only incorrectly scaling, but also compressing from high resolution to an unacceptable-as-VHS pixelated product video of Robin Hooders in action. Beyond the degraded resolution quality, the editing is so choppily fast paced that none of the sentence fragments of interactions documented provide any context. A list of sources of each video segment are currently being compiled by the merry people, as the city of course provided almost no description accompanying the video beyond continuing to falsely assert that, “the so called ‘Robin Hooders,’…stated intention is the elimination of a function of City Government.” A response video from the producers of AKPF #1 is expected to document the amount of heavy editing employed by the footage’s anonymous doctoror. It is unlikely that the amateur attempt at video editing published by the city of Keene would be admissible in court. Unlike the city of Keene, the Merry Women and Men publish their raw footage for full accountability. Lacking legal credibility, the video will stand as yet another public relations embarrassment for city bureaucrats combating the persistently pleasant Robin Hooders. (more…)

AKPF #1 – Cloudsnowden

akpf_snowdenprisonerAfter a thirteen day hiatus, Cheshire county’s zaniest variety series is back in a big way! AKPF #1 episode 06 Cloudsnowden begins on the island semination of Hong Kong, as Edward Snowden reveals government secrets and angers the power structure that is responsible for managing such enforcement organizations as the AKPF. WMUR brings the latest on the Robin Hooding lawsuit from the royal court in Cheshire county, Ian talks to officer Dave at length about worldly affairs, and classical anticonstitutional treatises round out this modern installment of AKPF #1.

Discoverizing the Robin Hood Case


Steven Gilbert

Yesterday, I filed a discovery request with royal court jester Thomas Mullins. In it, I ask for all evidence related to the case against Robin Hood of Keene. The city, led by the prince and building its case through the riddle-loving royal jester, have made all sorts of baseless and vague allegations against those associated with Robin Hood of Keene. The degradations took a patronizingly condescending turn recently when city powers had one of their minions, Steven Gilbert, go on the attack through yet another antagonizing editorial. Fortunately, the Sentinel is just as able to verify its claims as the city, which is to say that they were heavy on allegations and insinuations, and frail on fact. Gilbert’s intentionally misleading diatribe may deserve its own response, but at the moment, with more pressing matters on the table than the opinions of an ailing dinosaur, I intend to cut through such static with the important ultimatum Robin Hood and friends have been awaiting since allegations against us began spewing from city officials prior to the filing of the frivolous lawsuit. With my request for discovery, I am demanding from the royal deviants the evidence that they have gone to such lengths to keep obscured. What honor has a man who makes false claims against numerous upstanding members of the community, and insists he possess evidence supporting such claims? How long can one continue the allegations before the final shreds of faith in their person wither? Actions speak where words are banter, and as time passes, the banter becomes easier to isolate. Prince John, Jester keene_papertigerMullins, and the royal henchmen and spinsters have for too long continued preaching falsehoods against Robin Hood and the Merry (wo)Men. Within ten days, I expect a response from the Jester as is obligated by the rules of the court. Will the city be able to manufacture their alleged video evidence of Robin Hooder harassment, or will the world be lulled by the softening roars of another paper tiger?

AKPF Golden Oldie, Pilot Re-Premieres

princejohn_maclean_akpfThe episode that started it all, Pilotus, fills the 7:00pm time slot this week which is usually occupied by a brand new episode of AKPF #1. If you were longing for original content, fret not! AKPF #1 returns next week with the premiere of episode 06, followed by the freshly cut episode 07 the following week. In those episodes, you’ll hear about historic revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden, get the latest from the Robin Hooding case in Cheshire court, and see updates from the streets as an ally of Robin Hood is attacked by an angry man bent on preventing the documentation of an environment at thirty frames per second. In the meantime, relive the simpler existence from which the AKPF emerged, in the classic premiere episode Pilotus.