Budget Testimony Performance Art Teased in Monitor

wtfperformanceartLast Thursday, I spent a good portion of the day at the New Hampshire state house, waiting to film a dramatic performance by two artists identifying themselves as Adam Sutler and Edgar Friendly. It was a harrowing experience, as the budget analysis is among the most drawn out public hearings in the state each year. Bureaucrats and their supporters from around the state gathered to plead for their slice of the pie.

Adam’s testimony went over the heads of most as it was the first one called following the dinner break. Edgar was called hours later, and his presentation drew the suspicions of the senate panel chair, who questioned its relevance to the budget and called for an end to the performance after two minutes.

The record of these performances is scheduled to appear on the internet shortly, but in the meantime, the Concord Monitor’s Ben Leubsdorf and satirical blogger Susan the Bruce have published their own analysis of the theatrics. From the Monitor:

The Senate Finance Committee got punk’d Thursday night.

The committee’s public hearing on the state budget was already past the four-hour mark (en route to a final running time of six hours) when a man who had put his name down as Edgar Friendly was called to testify. (more…)

AKPF #1 – Pilotus

akpf_censored1bFree Concord is pleased to present Cheshire county’s fanciest new variety series, AKPF #1. Episodes will premiere online at midnight on Monday mornings and broadcast at 7pm on local channel 8. In the first episode, our host guides us through segments including toilet safety lessons from Fred, being environmentally friendly from the parking force, and avoiding a riot with the students of UNH Durham. All of this and more comes together to provide twenty-nine minutes of weekly quality programming straight from the trenches of Keene, New Hampshire. Enjoy!

PNN Reports on the Robin Hood Civil Suit

robinhood_wantedOn Thursday, six individuals associated with activities related to Robin Hood of Keene were delivered a stack of legal documents from Cheshire sheriff’s deputies. While responses are being crafted, independent media begins to disseminate information regarding this escalation by the royal forces against the merry men. Derrick J reports through his daily newscast Peace News Now with excerpts from the case file.

Just as police attempted following the Chalking 8 case, by attributing negative actions not to any individual but to an amorphous group, the police and city bureaucrats shirk the task of properly placing responsibility for whatever allegation they are attempting to advance.

In other Keene happenings, the newest variety program from the Aqua Keene Parking Force premieres in under 24 hours. AKPF #1 will broadcast at Free Concord and Free Keene at midnight on the morning of May 13, and at 7:00pm on Cheshire TV.

Keene Government Propaganda Video

2013_05_10_dprkThe media capabilities of local governments seem to be ever improving. Just released from the bureaucrats in Keene is this rose-colored overview of the structure of civil society in southwestern NH, the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene. This leaked piece will be featured in the pilot episode of Cheshire county’s newest internet and television variety show AKPF #1, premiering Monday, May 13 around the globe.

What Is ‘Joint Terrorism’ the FBI Investigates?

2013_04_20_freerichFBI Bomb Technician Phil Christiana spent the day following the attack at the Boston Marathon at the trial of Rich Paul in Keene. He gave the least consistent testimony of any of the state’s actors, and even altered specific facts as his cross examination evolved. At first, it is alleged that the investigation into Rich had nothing to do with the Joint Terrorism Task Force that Christiana is employed by. It ends with Christiana admitting that he wanted Rich to cooperate with a JTTF investigation in exchange for the dismissal of charges against him.