The April 14 2013 edition of Peace News Now was visually illustrated by Free Concord’s Garret Ean. In Sunday’s program, you’ll hear about the latest on Bitcoin, police accountability issues in Salisbury, NC, and how a recently declassified NSA document might reveal evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Check out episode #95 of the daily newscast produced by superactivist Derrick J Freeman below:
Thanks to Kyle Jarvis for penning a decent Keene Sentinel article, and Michael Moore for snapping photos for a front page story on Robin Hood of Keene and the Merry Men. Robin Hooding has been the interest of local media outlets recently as the city expended over $1,300 to pay for under 50 hours of amateur videography performed by former KPD detective Peter Thomas.
Twenty-four hours after two days in a row of new Aqua Keene Parking Force episodes, entry number seven has just released on the AKPF youtube channel. In this edition, Cinco Tarjetas, the Parking Force must combat the confusion of multiple parking passes on display, inspired by an image which circulated widely across the internet within the last month. Jigsaw doll character guest stars.
It was one month ago when DrDavid Berman removed the feedback mechanisms from his popular youtube video Free Keene Knuckleheads Confronted. Some time recently, the video itself became privatized, making it inaccessible for viewing to the general public. You can see multiple shots taken from Dr. Dave’s perspective in the AKPF episode Dr. David Joins Aqua Keene Parking Force, including audio ripped from the original. Since the video’s debut, Robin Hood of Keene and his Merry Men (of which this author is an active participant) have received a number of apologies and expressions of support from individuals identifying as Christian who believed that the doctor’s actions in the video did not represent their faith well.
While Dr. Dave’s approach was unnecessarily confrontational, I do appreciate that he took the initiative to express himself on video for public dissemination. There are many who never express themselves. Robin Hood and the Merry Men welcome third party videographers to record our actions, and we encourage them to disseminate as much of their footage to the public as possible. The original video description of the Knuckleheads video read:
I’m Confronting these idiots because they are constantly following meter maids around with cameras trying to intimidate them and make their work life miserable. They are acting like little babies because I am calling them names like Jerks and knuckleheads. Aww…did I hurt your feelings? They and those who defend them are just that.
In the sixth installment of Aqua Keene Parking Force, Fred Parsells opens up about his perspective on Keene’s local liberty activism scene. Denying his own statist tendencies, he even dubs himself the ‘original free stater’ after beginning the conversation with “…why you guys are so stupid?” See the exciting conclusion to the cliffhanger ending from Episode 5.
You’re not even from Keene, but now that you’ve moved to Keene…You’re from elsewhere. You’re not native-born. Well, I don’t know, but you’re not from Keene, that’s the point. But yet you’ve come here, and you’re trying to, to tell people in Keene, you know, we did away with meters back in the mid eighties. No, no, that was something, I’m talking in the mid eighties — you probably weren’t even alive then.