More Raw Released, NATO 3 Update

The Fr33manTVraw channel recently received one of its largest uploads to date. The 82 minute video is the first third of a compilation of raw footage from our group’s first day on the ground for the NATO summit protests. The videos have been released first to the raw channel, and then to Free Concord’s youtube channel as they are edited and narrated to give the footage context. For those looking for the entire journey of the camera, the raw footage includes practically everything filmed. The previous day’s release, Day Zero, is just over nine minutes edited and just under ten raw. Within the coming weeks, a shortened, finished product will publish from the following day. In the meantime, the raw first segment of Day One: Boots on the Ground is live:

nato3mugshotsYesterday posted an update on the NATO 3 case in Illinois, where three travelling protesters still remain caged on state-level charges of domestic terrorism after their apartment was raided by police days before the historic protest weekend.

Liberty Forum 2013: Bitcoin Introduction

bitcoin_v1patchThis video set from the New Hampshire Liberty Forum details what may become the most significant technological and economic innovation for advancing human liberty. Bitcoin, a crypto-currency that has multiplied in value over the last year, seems to be replacing silver and other precious metals as the best investment and inflation hedge. With a fixed rate of production, there is no counterfeiting concern, from either third parties or the issuing authority. The digital platform allows for any quantity of payment to be distributed to anywhere that can connect to the internet, almost instantly. Bitcoin eclipses modern financial institutions in terms of transaction processing abilities, and the decentralized design of the program provides multiple layers of security to meet the user’s custom needs. Hosting the panel on the revolutionary alternative to fiat currency are Erik Vorhees, Roger Ver, and Charlie Shrem. Since being uploaded three days ago to the Fr33manTVraw channel, the first of eight videos from the presentation has over 1500 views.

2013 Liberty Forum: Vermin Supreme Presents Vote Jesus

vsupreme_gig_libforumToday’s 2013 NH Liberty Forum presentation video is none other than footage from the screening of the unreleased documentary Vote Jesus: The Chronicles of Ken Stevenson. Presidential hopeful Vermin Supreme went undercover as Ken Stevenson in 2008 to make the film, remaining in character while engaging with numerous figures from America’s christian right. In the post-screening Q&A, Vermin discusses the history of the project and the potential for a release of some version of the film in the future. You may recognize the self-declared Emperor of the New Millenium as featured in previous Free Concord content: Election summary The Most Least Important Primary, Capitol Center debate arrest coverage, On the Campaign Trail with Vermin Supreme, Arrested on Election Eve: Why not to talk to police, Tough Questions on Oral Hygiene interview, and presidential endorsement Why You Should Consider Vermin Supreme in 2012.

I’d like to thank you all for enjoying my playing, and having fun with pretend, and coming up with these outrageous things, and running with them, and letting the people at large, and the media think that it’s something real. You people are a force multiplier for this sort of absurdity, this sort of surrealism, this sort of critique of American politics, and I think the more people that get involved and take this sort of tact, the better.

2013 Liberty Forum: Derrick J Premieres DJVCS Director’s Cut

derrickjlfFollowing yesterday’s video of a presentation by Pete Eyre, today Free Concord presents footage from the premiere of the director’s cut of Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree. The director’s cut is the street legal version of the film which appears on the recently released DVD, available through Amazon. While a theatrical release of the original cut of the film screened at Keene Cinemas in September, the February 22 screening at the Liberty Forum was the first public showing of the newer version. DVDs were also on hand for sale, which feature hours of bonus footage from related Shire activism. After the film, Derrick fielded questions from the audience.