Christmas Carols at the Keene Police Station

Several folks from Keene, NH ( decided to pay the Keene Police a little visit on Friday, the day before Christmas Eve. Our, yes I was present as well, intention was to bring some Holiday cheer, with a message, to those at the Keene Police Station.

This holiday season I hope all those who are employed by tax dollars ask themselves one question, “If our job is so important why must the government force people to pay for it via taxation, whether they like the service being provided or not?” And if you come to the conclusion that individuals would pay you (voluntarily) to do what you do now, then quit your job and start your own business – without the government’s permission. Cause all I want for Christmas is a choice, something ALL police officers take from a person when they choose to work for Uncle Sam.

Enjoy the jingles.

Ademo’s Arraignment on Wiretapping Charges

Yesterday I was arraigned on three counts of felony wiretapping – click here to read about Pete’s and my year long fight on MA wiretapping charges. If convicted I face anywhere from 11.5 to 21 years in prison and up to $12,000 in fines. I say IF because the only way I’ll be convicted is if the state (the system itself) protects it’s own. The three people claiming that I wire tapped them are public officials, whom I recorded while acting in their “public” capacities, but we’ll get more into that as we approach trial. (more…)

CopBlock Spots Undercover Cop & Questions Others on Gun Issue

This past Friday Pete Eyre, fellow CopBlocker and blogger, and I went to Plymouth State University to cover the gun protest put on by former police officer, Brad Jardis. While there I spotted an individual who seemed a bit out of place. Turns out he was an undercover police officer.

Pete also interviewed several cops present about the double standard they were displaying by carrying firearms to protect people but using those same guns against someone who decided to do the same. Below is that video:

Former Cop to Test University Gun Rules

Two individuals are planning to carry firearms onto a Plymouth State University this Friday – December 9th, 2011 – which may be illegal. One of those individuals is Brad Jardis, a former NH police officer, and the other is Tommy, former military. Brad and I met a few years ago, he even blogged at CopBlock for a short time (come back Brad!), so I was excited to sit down with him and get the scoop on this story.

As you’ll see (or seen) in the video above, Brad states that universities have been telling students, guest and parents that it’s against the Universities rules for people to carry firearms on university property. Yet, New Hampshire law states that no political sub party can make such a regulations in regards to certain things, including guns (read more at

So this Friday Brad and Tommy will be walking around Plymouth State University handing out educational material with rifles strapped to their backs. Brad hopes they’ll educate people about their right to bear arms and no one will be arrested. Though he’s not only willing to go to jail over this, Brad has vowed to take the case as far as he can go if arrested Friday. cameras – myself included – will be on hand.

***REPORT*** Brad reports that classes are being cancelled due to domestic threats****

Plymouth Campus Police (603)535-2330 OR Public Relations at the University (603)535-2276

Manchester Justice System Targets Ademo Now – Wiretapping Round 2

Its been almost three months to the day since Frank was assaulted by Darren Murphy, an employee of the Manchester Police Department, while at lunch in Manchester’s West High. Since then, and as I explain in the video above, not one single government employee has been reprimanded or had to appear in court. The principle hasn’t been investigated for demanding that Michael delete evidence of a crime. Murphy was back at the same school the very next day, while Frank was suspended for 10 day and awaits news on expulsion – last I heard.

Yet, the victim (Frank) and the two people (myself and Michael) who attempted to hold those harming others accountable are the ones who are being criminalized? Today I found out, via the local news paper, that I have been charged with three counts of felony wiretapping. I face anywhere from 15 – 20 years in prison for these alleged crimes. Seriously? Do you see what’s happening here?

The police are trying to jail me because they’re upset I helped Frank and Michael publicize their encounter with Murphy. When this whole thing could have been solved had Murphy had apologized the following day, after all, we all have long days.

So, who watches the watchers? Where’s the accountability? Where is Murphy’s apology to Frank? Where are the indictments for the public officials who broke the law too? Where is justice?

If this bothers you, please call either of the numbers below on my behalf.

Manchester Police – (603) 668-8711

Hillsborough County Attorney’s Office – (603) 627-5605

Stay tuned to this meta post for the latest regarding this story. Once again, I’ll be trying to stay free from a cage because some people think they have more rights than you.