Defensive or Offensive? That is the Question…

Recently I was found guilty in my Chalking 8 trial, while highlighting those bogus charges we (Pete and I) met Frank and Mike, who took this video of Manchester Police Officer Murphy. The video went viral and received attention from several news outlets. Instead of taking a serious look at the actions caught on tape the city went into defense mode.

The Police, school and local government officials sought to criminalize Frank, Mike and myself. They expelled Frank from school, charged Mike as an adult (over a teenage fight) and charged me with three counts of wiretapping. Crimes the state says justifies caging me, at your expense, for 21 years.

I’ve been through this before in Greenfield, MA and am confident I can present my case, logically. The problem I face in Manchester that I didn’t have in Greenfield is the personal vendetta those in Manchester seem to have for me. After all, I was given the max sentence (with 10 months of it stayed for 2 years good behavior) for ‘resisting’ my arrest.


Update: Ademo’s Chalking 8 Case

For those that have been following, you might remember that myself and eight others were arrested while protesting the Manchester (NH) police – after four of its officers were cleared of wrong doing in the Strange Brew incident. It took about 6 months, considerably shorter than ‘justice’ for others, and to no surprise the judge (this was a bench trial) ruled in favor of the state.

Refusing arguments that I was engaged in Free Speech and Peaceful Assembly – as protected by that worthless paper known as the Constitution (seriously, when is the state going to recycle that shit) – stating Free Speech does not allow me to damage property. Yet, at my trial I wasn’t allowed to ask witnesses if they thought, or had proof, of me damaging anything. In fact, I wasn’t allowed to say the word damage at all because that is a legal conclusion for the court – who?  yeah the ‘court’- to decide.


CopBlocking the Sheriff’s Department

Last week I blogged about camera bans and lack of accountability from those working inside Cheshire Co Superior. Included in that post was a video of several journalists who sought comment from a continually aggressive bailiff, B. Tebo, and others employed by the court. The media was present up to the last day of business before the holiday, and will again after the holiday.

The last day, December 23rd, Derrick and Ian were waiting for bailiffs and judges to come to work, in order to ask them a few questions. The weather was a bit harsh, compared to the past days, so the duo decided to stay in the car. That’s when Caleb came into work – he’s a sheriff – and threatened to tow the car for being parked in the judges spot. Even though no complaint had been filed, no judge was being kept from parking there or the fact that three other stalls were still open for judges. Either way, Derrick and Ian par took in a great copblock, check it out.

More Abuses from Superior Court Staff – A call for Assistance

This email was sent to me via, but I feel it has more use here at Note how she realizes that these abuses were put into place after Beau’s and my arrest in late June.

After the hat and false arrest issues in Keene, NH then on or about July of 2011 and thereinafter, I was harassed at the Cheshire Superior Court in Keene near the District Court. The security guard would interrogate me and tell me that I was not allowed to bring a cellular phone, videocamera, or recorder of any type and prohibited from bringing into the courthouse.

On August 3, 2010, I filed a medical malpractice case which included for failure to diagnose my cancer in Cheshire Superior Court in Keene NH vs. Donald Wilson, MD, Pamela Deberghes MD and the other Dartmouth Health Care system doctors, etc. I suffered tremendous inhumane civil rights violations repeatedly. I claim that there was affirmative perjury done by Elaine Michaud, Esq. and thereafter tampering with the file to correct the affirmative perjury.

The clerk will not allow me to check out the file, make copies from the file, and will not allow the employees in the clerk’s office to make copies for me. (more…)