What Can You Do When You Don’t Approve of Police Actions?

Originally posted at CopBlock.org:

Lets assume you’re the owner of a business and you employ five people. One day you find out that one of your employees is threatening people to make sales. You didn’t approve of this tactic and quickly move on this information. You call in the employee and address the situation. You explain to them that threatening people is not how you conduct business and even though it might produce larger sales in the short term, it will ultimately destroy the company – ending both your jobs. Hopefully the employee will understand and adapts (or atleast respects) to your request. Though it’s possible they wouldn’t (adapt) and you’d have to fire them. Either way, in business, when you don’t agree with your employee (or with your employer) you have the option to end the relationship (on either side).

Let’s go one step further and bring police into the scenario. Police are paid for with tax dollars and tax dollars are collected from taxpayers. Essentially, taxpayers are the employer’s of the police and, just like any other business, the employer has the right to tell the employee if (and/or when) they don’t approve of their employees actions. Right? Yet, there is NO real course of action one can take to stop police from doing something you don’t like or want, like regular employers can. You can’t physically stop the police officer, nor can you fire a police officer and you can’t stop paying taxes either – we all know what happens if you do. So, what can you do?


Ademo’s Improper Influence Charge Non Processed

Lastweek I was arrested for “improperly influencing” a ‘judge.’ Yesterday, I released this video showing everyone exactly what happend and today, the district attorney – Chris McLaughlin – non processed the charges. Above is an update I captured shortly after hearing the news.

For those that live in Keene and think Burke abused his power, or broke a law, please call Chris McLaughlin – 603.357.9815 or John Webb – 603.352.0056, tell them to press charges on Burke (for abuse of power, false arrest or any of the other laws anyone else would be arrested for).

Thanks again to all those who helped me while under arrest, in jail and afterwards on court papers.


Ademo’s “Improper Influence” or Burke’s Abuse of Power? You Decide.

Since my arrest for “improper influence” I’ve been focused on getting back the footage taken from me and preparing for my probable cause hearing this Thursday. Despite the holiday weekend and usual bureaucratic trickery I was able to retrieve my footage today. I think three things played in a role in the success of this. One was the fact that I remained persistent with those holding the footage, often asking them to watch it themselves. The second reason was that I willingly signed a consent form allowing the police to access the footage. Meaning I didn’t have to wait for a search warrant or court hearing before this took place. Finally, I think those who did watch the footage know that (judge) Burke abused his power when he ordered me arrested and, may have, felt bad for me – for once. One officer even commented to me, during a jail visit, that, “You (Me – Ademo) shouldn’t be here.”


The War on Hats Continues!

The City of Keene’s War on Hats on continues and Judge Burke is making you (the taxpayers) pay for what he claims is ‘disrespect.’

This morning, while attending the court proceedings of other activists, Beau Davis was arrested for wearing a hat. This past January James Cemorelis and Matt Griffin, both who are employed by the Keene Police Department – with help from Peter Macy (Keene Bailiff), physically assaulted  Pete Eyre for wearing a hat. Those charges, issued by police, were later dropped by the District Attorney’s office.


CopBlock.org featured on Adam vs THE MAN

Adam Kokesh is a former marine, congressional candidate and activists who has taken his message to RT with ADAM vs THE MAN. The show airs daily Monday through Friday at 7 pm central and tonight I was on the show to talk about CopBlock.org and police accountability.

I’m glad that Adam choose this topic and that CopBlock.org was asked to speak. It means we’re making progress, yet, we have a long way to go. More people need to get involved, question authority and stop paying (taxes) for the government’s protection services. Let’s allow those “good cops” to conduct good business, which most likely wouldn’t consist of caging victimless offenders at alarming rates, instead of the government’s for profit (while being taxed) and control methods.


Thanks to Beau Davis, newest member of LibertyOnTour.com, for editing this video.