Black Sheep Rising – Episode 40

Why is it that Keene bureaucrats seem so hell-bent on raising property taxes to such an extreme and unsustainable level?   Have they simply lost touch with reality? Or are there more sinister intentions behind their meddling?  Perhaps rep. Cynthia Chase’s statement, “to make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave,” was not only directed at free staters but also at lower income riff raff who cannot afford the tax rate.  Eric Freerock joins us to discuss.  Show notes at:

Lawsuit against Keene School District moves forward

The Keene Sentinel reports:

Amendments to Keene School District petition articles called illegal, suit filed 

A lawsuit filed against the Keene School District argues amendments made to seven warrant articles at the district’s deliberative session earlier this month were illegal and deprived residents of the opportunity to vote.

The petitioners — Conan Salada, Darryl W. Perry, David Crawford and Eric LaRoche — requested an injunction and an expedited hearing, so the issue can be sorted out before town and school district elections on March 11.

The document states the amendments to the petitioned articles were a “creative and surreptitious attempt” to eliminate the subject matter.

In January, Salada submitted seven petition articles to the school district. Three sought to replace the school district’s proposed budget with smaller budgets, two would have reduced the school board’s power to keep and use surplus money, one aimed to take away the board’s power to state support of warrant articles on the ballot and one aimed to remove the board’s authority to appoint members to fill empty seats. (more…)

School bureaucrats slap down local opposition and break the law doing it.

Did you miss the excruciatingly painful 6 hour deliberative session dealing with the school budget and warrant articles that will appear on the March ballot here in Keene?  No problem.  I cut the bulk of it down to an hour and have selected choice footage from that event highlighting the extreme lengths these bureaucrats stooped to in order to protect their ‘doomed to collapse’ 63millon dollar a year industry from any opposition.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 39

The Keene school district served us up a big ol’ helping of suck at last week’s deliberative session.  School Sucks Project’s Brett Veinotte gets pulled into our outrage as we discuss the shenanigans that took place.  Later, we bring it down even further with tales of suicidal penguins and rabbits on Viagra.  Oh, the Horror.  Show notes at

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 38

James and Garret stop by this week to catch us up on the latest in Robin Hooding news.  It turns out the Official DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Keene) have been producing their own propaganda videos in direct opposition to FreeKeene.  Who are the secretive editors behind these vids?  Also, more on DuckGate, congressmen who like throwing people off balconies, German dance-club torture music and the never-ending war on earbuds in the workplace continued.  Show notes at: