Top 10 Causes of Minarchism #4

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You want to date statist chicks.

This is late on Free Keene. I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted it yet. I apologize.

Today’s comic was inspired by Anton Lee.

If anyone analyzes and dissects this one, I’m going to thump an innocent bunny rabbit on the head. I promise I will.

Keene’s Finest Parking Job

See, the problem with you Free Keene folks is you don’t know your place. There is a heirarchy and you don’t respect your superiors. The knights of the kingdom have special privileges. The laws apply to you but not to us. What’s it going to take before it sinks in? How much more do we have to intimidate you before you submit and accept your place in this fiefdom?

Are you going to cause trouble? We are just trying to keep the peace. Obey blindly and there will be peace. Quit forcing us to punish you.

Now look what you made me do! You’ve left me with no choice but to put you in a cage and make an example of you before you start giving all the other serfs ideas.