Government Marriage Sucks

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So a gay marriage bill was passed by the house and the senate. It’s up to the governor now and New Hampshire could be the next state government to grant permission for two individuals to partake of a contract between them that’s really no one else’s business. Good news, I suppose. As long as the government is involved, they shouldn’t discriminate. But I hold to what I’ve said for some time now. Even if I were heterosexual, I wouldn’t touch a government marriage with a ten foot pole.

A medical marijuana bill is also now awaiting the governor. Also good news, though it’s yet another personal matter they should never have butted into in the first place.

The Right to Remain Silent Part 2

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History repeats itself as another peaceful activist is imprisoned indefinitely simply for not actively validating and participating in a system he doesn’t believe in. The video below gives a nice summary of the story of reporter Sam Dodson of the Obscured Truth Network.

Regardless of whether you agree with Sam’s motivations, do you believe that a punishment should fit the crime? Is life in prison a just sentence for remaining silent?

(Watch Video…)

Rose-Colored Glasses vs. Police State

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Part 3 of rose-colored glasses.

When the cops beat an innocent man for standing up for his rights at a checkpoint, a Baptist pastor no less, you know you’re in a police state… unless you’re wearing some seriously amped up rose-colored glasses. Checkpoints, people. Checkpoints inside the U.S. where everyone is stopped without any sort of suspicion, much less reasonable suspicion, and asked for their papers. Is this not sounding disturbingly familiar?!

(Watch the video)

Fine Young Cannibals

I would like to thank Phillip Bantz for the front page article in the Sentinel covering activists in Keene. I would also like to offer some clarification as I feel much of the article can be confusing taken out of context of certain facts. If you aren’t familiar with Free Keene, here are a few points you should be aware of when you read the article.

  • The controversial “Free Town Project” website, as I understand it, was never a group project but rather the brainchild of a single individual, an anti-social internet troll, seemingly with a bizarre obsession with cannibalism and bestiality, and that individual never moved to New Hampshire and as the article points out, was in fact banned from any association with the FSP.
