Protest & Vigil for a Political Prisoner

The first video is a bit of footage from a protest at the Cheshire County Correctional Facility where Sam of the Obscured Truth Network is being held as a political prisoner. He declined to obey an order to stop video recording in a public lobby of the Keene courthouse and went limp and refused to cooperate with his kidnappers. The protests seem to be a moral boost for the prisoners there, many of whom are there for victimless crimes. The second video is footage from a candle light vigil held in Sam’s honor. Sam, may you soon be free so you can continue to speak the truth.

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Happy Tax Day!

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We tell ourselves that the contrived authoritarian monopoly on violence we call “government” is a necessary evil. When we feel victimized, used, and yet powerless to do anything about it, deluding ourselves into believing that government is necessary and ultimately beneficial may seem like a crucial relief valve. It’s already getting harder and harder to maintain that delusion.

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Fascism Explodes at the Keene Court

The Keene District Court broke fascism records yesterday with the number of peaceful and innocent people they arrested. For details about the events as they unfolded, I recommend you listen to the Free Talk Live episode from Monday night. That link will only work for a week or two but the monthly zipped archive will remain available for some time.

I was there, and what I want to emphasize is that most of the people arrested yesterday for disorderly conduct were merely quietly standing or sitting in the lobby area listening to screams of pain from our friend who was just arrested for refusing to shut off a camera.

The first video below is during the arrests. The 2nd and 3rd are interviews with some of them after they were processed and released.
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Tax Day Tea Party Permits

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It seems some of the upcoming tea party tax protesters are being deterred by a government requirement for permits to protest. The fact that they’re even filing for permits to protest government abuses pretty much demonstrates why they completely failed to inspire me to participate and if we have to rely on folks like this to save us from an over-reaching government, we’re doomed. A few samples from the pathetic pussy list follow.
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