Who Will Build the Slave Roads?

A popular point to make amongst the liberty crowd is to point out that if you are paying X percent of your income in taxes, then you are X percent a slave. In The Slave Test, assuming you didn’t pass, I promised to offer a method of determining what percent a slave you are. If my method were based on the percent of your productivity stolen then it could be quite a difficult number to calculate.

Taxes are pervasive, incorporated into almost every activity we engage in, and often evasive as well. There are the obvious ones that we see on our pay stubs and the fees we must pay to governments to partake of things we often presume to be the rights of free people, like traveling, or buying goods and services, or owning a home, but there are hidden ones like the fees that your employers must pay to hire you which comes straight out of the same employment budget they use to determine your salary. And that’s only the most obvious impact on your livelihood imposed by our masters.

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Shame On You, Michael Phelps

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Michael Phelps in a body speedoShame on you, Olympic Gold Medal winner Michael Phelps. As a role model looked up to by millions, your public actions have the potential to influence our culture in a positive or a negative way. You chose the latter. Edmund Burke said “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” You were confronted with evil and you allowed it to conquer you.
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Imprisoned Over a Hat

Two of my friends were arrested yesterday. One was arrested for refusing to comply with a rule to remove his hat. The other was arrested for asking questions about the rule. They both failed The Slave Test.

I’m already anticipating the apoligists for the tyrants, those who will defend the violent enforcement of this arguably trivial matter. It’s silly, right? I ask, which is sillier? Refusing to obey a rule about trivial items of clothing on your own body or putting someone in a cell for said trivial item of personal clothing? When the judge asked for Jesse’s specific religious reason, he said he refused on moral grounds and that morality and religion are one and the same to him.

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The Slave Test

Are you a slave? Recently I wrote about how governments manufacture and evoke powerful symbols to essentially brainwash us and keep us obedient. I used an analogy of similar tactics in the past to efficiently maintain the obedience of household slaves. I have a friend who claims my language is far too strong. He says I overuse words like “violence” and “slave” to artificially infuse my arguments with emotion when I’m talking about governments. I can’t really recall his exact argument but I think it amounted to “Nuh uh!”. But I thought of a way that he, and others who agree with his assertion could prove me wrong. They can take the slave test!

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