“Prometheus Unchained” IS TOTALLY GAY!

I apologize for not posting much.  I’ve been busy with a lot of creative projects.  One of them is plans for a podcast with discussion of gay and lesbian issues from a liberty perspective, which has evolved into a radio show, with hosts Neal Conner and yours truly, and with a different guest host each week.  And… our first show is tomorrow!  Stephanie Murphy of the Porc Therapy Podcast will be our guest host.  The show will be broadcast live on the Liberty Radio Network Sundays from noon to 2pm and you’ll be able to call in and join the discussion.  The archive will be re-broadcast at various points each following week, as well as being download-able for free from the website.  Read More

Vigil for Gay Teens in Central Square

This information comes from Boston.com and you can read their article here.

A candlelight vigil is being held this Wednesday, October 20th, at 5:30 pm in Central Square to draw attention to suicides by teens blamed on anti-gay bullying.  AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region is sponsoring the Keep Spirit Alive vigil.  Participants are asked to wear purple to represent spirit in the pride rainbow flag.

Organizers said nine young men between 13 and 19 and a 19-year-old woman committed suicide in the United States between July and September after being harassed in their schools and communities.  A high turnout at events like this shows struggling kids can see that they’re not alone, that there are people in their community who want them to lead full and fulfilling lives.

I’m strongly encourage Keene activists and other readers of Free Keene to show up at this event.  I’ll bring some extra candles.

A lot of people don’t have purple in their wardrobe.  Please don’t let that discourage you from coming.

The Trouble With Selling Tribbles

The Trouble With Selling Tribbles

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In one of the most famous episodes of the original Star Trek series, The Trouble with Tribbles written by David Gerrold, much of the crew is convinced to buy these adorable little cooing furballs known as tribbles.  A crafty salesman manages to unload quite a few of these before the crew realizes that they reproduce faster than Mormon bunnies overdosing on Viagra.  Would he have managed to sell so many had the customers known they could make many more of their own by just over-feeding them a bit?

The trouble with selling tribbles is they just aren’t a scarce commodity.  It’s built into their nature.  The shifty Star Trek character wasn’t just selling tribbles.  Every tribble he sold was also a tribble factory!

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Guest Comic by The Muslim Agorist

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This comic was inspired by a controversy over the Shire Society Declaration.  The construction of the declaration was begun with a work by Libertarian author, L. Neil Smith.  Many changes were made after a lengthy discussion, but they remain quite similar according to a number of people.  I haven’t actually read the original work and I got turned off to the discussion for reasons described here.  I did ultimately find myself in enough agreement with the final product to sign it. (more…)

Porcfest Party 2010 (3 of 3)

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This pretty well describes my experience at The Porcupine Freedom Festival last year.  I don’t have the excuse of not knowing about the events though.  I had several I was looking forward to attending but I was having such a good time just hanging out and enjoying the nice camping experience with great people that I lost track 0f time and missed all or some of most of what I had planned to attend.  I was even late for an event I was supposed to speak at!  I felt so bad.  Sorry, Carla!  This year I will be careful not to have so much fun that I completely lose track of what day and what time it is.