AKPF #1 presents: Canine Controversies

In a very special installment filling this week’s AKPF #1 timeslot, a hit new series Canine Controversies episode 1 airs on Cheshire TV at 7pm. Canine Controversies is a loosely organized compilation of controversial canine assortments from the internet, including a jicoinobamausflagspecially censored version of a segment which premiered on the locally produced after hours program Black Sheep Rising. Joining the action across the expanses of the cloud, our very own New Hampshire official state vodka bottles are demonstrated for their abilities in concealing and capturing canine scat as need be collected under municipal jurisdiction. A second episode nears completion and is slated for the airwaves soon. Enjoy this complimentary program, Canine Controversies, and many more to come.

Vocal Free Keene Critic Publicly Threatens Garret Ean

Seamus O’Connor and his wife, Carolyn Hanks have lived in the Monadnock region of New Hampshire for a few years now. Both have claimed participation in the Free State Project, but have also been long time critics of Free Keene bloggers, both belonging to a large “STOP FREE KEENE!!!” group on facebook. On April carolynhanks_seamusoconnor23 of 2014, Seamus uploaded a video titled, “Garret”, which consisted of several repeated explicit threats of violence directed at Garret Ean. Beginning the monologue with, “Garret, I’m gonna kick your ass, you mutherfucker…”, the narrator goes on to repeat the “kick your ass” line, interspersed with references to a rough childhood, and expectations of a non-response to such violence by local authorities. (more…)

AKPF #1: Ridley Report Emporium 02

This week’s modern news akpfBarackbadge-Obamacoin installment of AKPF #1 exposes the audience to recent editions of the popular Ridley Report program, bringing the internet to the television. The imperative topic of activism cylinders is expressed nearly fully and articulately.

00:00 – Warning disclaimer to Cheshire TV audience
00:10 – I reject the state just sounds like shrill posturing
04:53 – Ideal activism hits on these 20 cylinders
11:06 – New Hampshire armed videographer confronts authorities but survives to complete 100 boring uploads
18:44 – NH State House Activism (allegedly) trumps most other kinds
24:25 – Ian Freeman is a best activist, but we could sure do better
28:50 – End disclaimer segment

Announcing the Robin Hood of Keene People’s BBQ May 9

Robin Hood and the Merry People are pleased to announce a very special public event to be held on Central Square on Friday, 09 May 2014. To commemorate the first year anniversary of service of the lawsuit by the city of Keene against Robin Hood and bbqrhimg02friends, a free barbeque for the people will kick off at 5:00pm, just as the hours of parking enforcement conclude for the day. All peaceful people are invited to take part in this event and are free to bring along food and drink to share, or simply bring one’s own smile and share in the good company of others.

The people’s BBQ will be a great opportunity to meet Robin Hooders and other activists in the Keene area, and to voice one’s own ideas for how to make our community’s activities more effective. Beef tacos and bottled water will be available for all, as well as a vegan option to be determined. For more information, check out the event on Robin Hood of Keene’s facebook page.

AKPF #1 presents: Abandoned in Gary

For this week’s adventurous installment in the AKPF #1 series, the crew travels to the notoriously dilapidated Gary, Indiana. Filmed in November of 2013, this short film provides a brief tour of the 1993 murder capitol of the United States, located 25 miles south ssgettoboat_garyof megalopolis Chicago. With a dwindling population, rampant poverty and crime, areas of the city resemble a ghost town, including once vibrant structures such as the Union Station, which is explored in daylight in the final minutes of the film.

A previous edition of AKPF #1 concluded by featuring a walk-through of abandoned houses on Virginia Street, one of which has since been the target of an arsonist. An article and video analyzing the shocking violent crime rates in Gary have also been previously published to CopBlock.org for the 2013 Police Accountability Tour. Check out Abandoned in Gary for a less processed examination of the city, including a pass by the childhood home of international icon Michael Jackson.