by JJ Epic | Jan 3, 2012 |
In this weeks episode:
1. Derrick J Freeman is the winner of the first annual Free Keene Activist of the Year.
2. Jason Talley and Kelly James arrested at Cheshire Superior Court.
3. Sheriffs Deputies threaten independent media.
4. Sheriff Richard Foote bans 4 individuals from Cheshire Superior Court grounds and building.
by JJ Epic | Dec 26, 2011 |
This weeks episode is a special pre-recorded video one:
1. GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney stops in Keene
2. Derrick J Freeman challenges the police for information on his rejected application for a conceal carry permit.
3. The NH Supreme Court Advisory Board hears public testimony on the camera ban in New Hampshire Court Houses.
4. The Chain of Obedience from
5. Forced Taxation is Immoral from
by JJ Epic | Dec 22, 2011 |
On this weeks episode of Free Keene TV:
1. The Keene City Council decides to accept a grant for a BearCat – assault vehicle.
2. Robin hooding in Keene
3. Outreach at the Monadnock High School does not sit well with the school staff.
4. The lobby outside the Supreme Court hearing on cameras in the Court room is filled with drama as the media is told cameras are not allowed.
5. One particular bailiff, Dennis, acts improperly.
Heika Courser anchors while Ali Havens talks with special guest Kate Ager
by JJ Epic | Dec 13, 2011 |
On this weeks episode:
1. Bradley Jardis and Tommy Mozingo hold a gun rights demonstration at Plymouth State University.
2. Copblock confronts police with pointed question about the double standard of gun rights.