May 1 Update:

This brief report is to update people on the happenings of the May 1 trials at Keene District Court.

Mike Barskey’s charges for organizing Freedom Fest were dropped prior to the trial. Andrew Carroll was found guilty for possessing marijuana, and will likely turn himself in to the jail on Monday instead of paying any fines. In addition, many activists refused to stand as Judge Burke entered, and it was not even mentioned.

Video will be forthcoming tonight and throughout the weekend.

“Milford Hat Incident” Pops Up Again In News

Jesse and Charlie’s arrests for questioning the court dress code in Milford has been brought up again in a recent Nashua Telegraph article reposted in the Keene Sentinel. Judge Crocker of the court and Dave Ridley of were interviewed regarding the court rules, and confusion over them.

Hats on? Hats off? The ‘Great Hat Spat’ continues
Telegraph of Nashua
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 12:28 PM EDT
The “Great Hat Spat” in Milford District Court continues to live online.

A libertarian Internet site has reported that Milford District Court seems to have loosened its rules following the conclusion of the February event, in which two Keene men were arrested for refusing to remove their hats, but the judge says otherwise.

Dave Ridley of New Hampshire, who runs a site called, posted a video recently in which he said the court has loosened the rules.

Milford District Court Judge Martha Crocker has allowed people to wear hats after they filed a motion asking for permission to do so “or something like that,” Ridley wrote.

Don’t Let This Slip Away

Front Page. Feature Article.

That’s what we got for our incident 53 hours ago. But if that’s all we get, we have failed badly. The people of this city spent 2 weeks talking about a yellow building downtown. Do not let them forget April 13, and why it happened. It happened not because of a group of people wanting to provoke the giant. It happened because a bunch of people that don’t understand their own rules are making them up and handcuffing people. Lance of the court does not even know what the order on that wall means, and he is having people arrested because of it.

Did 5 people get arrested for nothing?
Is Sam suffering for nothing?
Sometimes I wonder… are we risking our futures for nothing?

Make sure the community continues to hear about this. Call Dan Mitchel’s morning show. I know you will call Talkback. E-mail Anika at the Sentinel ( and thank her for her bravery in covering this, as well as giving her updates about Sam. Videotape yourself talking to a camera and submit it to Cheshire TV! No joke; if that’s all you can do, do it.

Keene Police Take Car Off Private Property

**Please see [Read More] for the answer to this question from Lt Maxfield**

Why, on April 12, 2009, did the Keene Police take this car off a private driveway? Was this an unwelcome visitor to this property? Was there an issue with the owner’s temporary license plates? Was there “contraband” found inside the vehicle? It should also be noted that the car was driven to the flatbed, so the police had the car’s keys as well.


OK, I’m going to “address your concerns.”
