US Census worker spying on people living in Manchester

On Sunday April 6th, 2014 a US census worker approached the Rebel Love studios in Manchester NH.  She appeared at the door in order to gather information for the United States government on intimate details about the people that allegedly live at this location.  The following video is the interaction between myself and the agent of the state.

Minimum Wage is too Damn High

On Tuesday March 25th, 2014, five activists from Manchester including myself and Free Keene DSC00021blogger Joel Valenzuela drove to Nashua to protest the rally to raise minimum wage.  According to the Nashua Telegraph, Vice President Joe Biden was to be speaking at the event.  Unfortunately, Joe Biden did not show.  However, neither did anyone else.  The crowd consisted mostly of activists from Manchester, a friend of the Free State Project (who none of us had ever met), and the local media. The most interesting part of the event was how the “show” went on.  There was no real reason to do a political presentation to just protesters, yet they did it anyways.  The Union Leader interviewed us and mentioned the protest in their article.



Open Carry and Free Speech Activism at the Manchester Airport

On the morning of March 20th, 2014, Joe “Liberty Carrots,” Nemi Jones, Riaz Kahan and I went to the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport to support the First and SecondAmendments to the United States Constitution.  Joe was the creative star of this activism effort, stopped multiple times by airport security and threatened with arrest for handing out free copies of the monthly liberty newspaper FPPNews from Free Press Publications.

No airport security agents or police questioned the fact that Joe was open-carrying a rifle. They did, however, take great issue with our exercise of free speech and expression:

Activists at Liberty Forum speak about their passion for Liberty

This past February I attended my very first Liberty Forum in Nashua New Hampshire.  While there I met many inspiring people dedicated to living free in our life time.  Many of the people I met call the shire home or were their to discover what the Free State Project is all about.  I took the opportunity to create a video that would help portray the dedication to liberty that so many of the attendees at Liberty Forum have.  To showcase why so many of us are active for the cause of freedom.

The Free State Project through the eyes of a new mover

On January 25th 2014 I made the move to Manchester New Hampshire for the Free State Project.  In my short time here I have witnessed such amazing aspects of the liberty community that exists in Manchester and New Hampshire in general.  The community here is very strong and vibrant.


Agora Cab accepts payment from a customer, in bitcoin

      After a short time here one very quickly begins to realize that the free voluntary society that we are all passionate about is literally being created in Manchester as well as across New Hampshire. From Keene to the Lakes Region down to Manchester/Nashua and the Free Coast, people are here right now being active for liberty. There is infrastructure in that there are multiple buildings such as Area 23 and the Quill in Manchester where people in the liberty community can hold meetings, events, and of course socialize. Agorism is a large part of this community as well.  There are multiple businesses in operation that have not sought permission from “the state”. (more…)