RLS 052 – Green Screen Activism


Carlos Morales and Brett Veinotte joined us this week in the Rebel Love Studio. Topics this week include Carlos and Calvin Thompson’s new project libertarian-atheist.com, pro tips to avoiding copyright infringement on youtube, Shire Dude’s inspiration, Porcfest, Stefan Molyneux cult on Showtime, Carlos and Brett’s relationship, studio sex, Shire Dude’s trial, The Villians of Anarchy, Brett is punished for his anti-poly rhetoric, the podcast beef with Nick of Puke and the Gang, School Suck beef, and Walter Block eating babies. The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday on LRN.FM at 10pm EST.

RLS 051: Anarchy, It’s not all about the Sex


The Seditious Sirens of LRN.FM join us in the Rebel Love studio for episode 51. Topics discussed include the recent copblock of a check point, how to look good copblocking in heels, livestreaming, we have the poly talk with Renee, Manch liberty and kink karaoke nights, polyamory taking over Porcfest with five poly events this year, Foundation for New Hampshire Independence’s “Brew & Sedition” event, Area 23 and Church of the Sword, Creamy D of the Freedom Feens MWD wants us to record an orgy for liberty in audio form of course, the Seditious Sirens react to Micheal W Dean’s threesome podcast, we share wildest sex stories, the future of the Rebel Love studio, using cell phones for recording activism, and porcfest plans. The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM.

Brew & Sedition in Merrimack NH

On June 3rd, 2015 as a board member for the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence, I organized a Brew and Sedition event at Able Ebenezer in Merrimack NH. Able Ebenezer is a popular fairly new micro brewery in Merrimack NH. Able Ebenezer was chosen for the event because of it’s name. Able Ebenezer’s name is branded from the inspirational actions of local New Hampshire citizens who rallied behind Ebenezer Mudgett in 1772 to defy British oppression. History remembers this event as the Pine Tree Riot in which Able resisted the state’s assertion that they owned his trees. The purpose of this event was to promote Independence by getting supporters together for drinks and for networking purposes. Chandler Gabel also gave a speech on the need to network with others in the state that also support Independence. There were over two dozen supporters that came out to this event. This may seem on the light side but where else in the United States are people getting together for the purpose of declaring Independence from the Union? Future meetings and planned events for Independence Day were discussed. For more information on New Hampshire Independence, check out nhindependence.org

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RLS 050: Derrick J’s Cannabis Crime Spree


Derrick J joins us in studio to celebrate our 50th episode! Topics this week include Derrick ending his THC cleanse, does poly “demean the relationship”? reviews of Shire Dude finale, Karaoke in Manch, taking parking tickets to court, Shire Dude joining as cohost of Flaming Freedom? RLS is to poly anarchists as Flaming Freedom is to gay anarchists, Shire Dude rejects labels, whats the greatest number of porcupines? Gay or Poly? thoughts on Liberland, #dickgate, beef squashing, Shire Dude/Rob drama with the artist formerly known as O girl, when is it appropriate to go public, why mediation is important, plans at porcfest, and cop blocking in Manchester. The Rebel Love Show is live every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM.

Copblock of Manchester Police Checkpoint

On May 22nd, 2015 the Manchester police department conducted a sobriety checkpoint11053395_442959655879056_3274836458399851583_n on Bridge street. In New Hampshire, the police are required by law to announce when a checkpoint will take place. This gives activists in the Shire time to plan and organize for such an event. On this night dozens of activists came out to copblock the checkpoint. There was coverage at both the actual checkpoint and at the last intersection before entering the checkpoint. A majority of the effort was to divert drivers from entering the 1780907_442959355879086_2392878721689489799_ncheckpoint. Activists used large signs, hand signals, dance moves, and a laser light to project warnings on the side of a building. Fellow FreeKeene blogger Shire Dude was also on the scene livestreaming the event via bambuser. The Manchester police department conducts these sobriety check points every few weeks. It is a guarantee that each one of these events will have a strong copblock presence. Shire Dude and I will be there each time to document the activism.