To Those Who Know Who They Are

I’m always just on the verge of posting these points–but it sounds so much better when you sing it!


I’ve seen you in the website’s COMMENTS section
Masked with an anonymous facade
Deriding what you paint as my rejection
Of Mom and flag and apple pie and God.

No sense of truth or justice can divert you–
You have none, and it’s really rather sad.
Just paint yourself the soul of mind and virtue,
And those who disagree with you as bad.

And in your mind:
The world exults in wonder at your penchant
To mystify, astonish and amaze!
With insight and analysis so trenchant,
At last we see the error of our ways!

What’s the Peace of an Evolution Without General Cop-ulation . . .

Big Mike’s arrest — and the cowardly conceit of the cop responsible — have provided a wealth of inspiration, in activist ideas, protest techniques, and, but of course, artistic endeavors. In that last category, I submit the following:

There’s no real melody for this piece. It mimics the style popularized on many a decoupaged plaque from roadside boutiques specializing in cheap gimcracks (I can provide a number of Plan 9 from Outer Space – level-quality examples discovered in the course of my research).:


LORD, when I don the badge and blue,
Make strong my heart to keep
My goal to ever be like You–
In charge of all the sheep.

The Offendeder You Are, the Applicabler It Is!

COPYRIGHT 2010 by Sam A. Robrin or whoever the hell it is who writes these things. Go ahead and use it, but if you make a little money on it, I want some!

Free State freedom activists look pompously askance
At anyone suggesting planning projects in advance.
Protests limp along not with a bang, but with the whimp’r of
A group of high school kids making impromptu tries at improv.

Headaches, itching, nosebleeds, palpitations, sweats, and trembling
Are side effects of any course of action but assembling
Slapdashedly together at the last remaining minute.
It’s messy, muddled madness with no trace of method in it.

Many activists are known to faint or throw up
At the proffer of polite entreaties to show up.
One fact’s irrefutable from careful observation:
This organization is in disorganization!

Freedom-lovers focus on life’s joys and how to get them —
Not in crafting tactics to persuade the State to let them.
Dealing with the State’s inane — sane folks don’t manage well with it,
The rational reaction is to simply say the hell with it. (more…)

Sing That Freedom Song!


To convey our message to the population,
Oftentimes complex ideas take too long.
The news will air some puzzling truncation.
Say it briefly and with beauty in a song!

TV soundbytes are perceived as so much blather,
And will be reacted to dismissively.
The viewers of the nightly news would rather
Absorb new thoughts with rhyme and melody.

We can faintly hear the chimes of freedom ringing
While establishing our frisky form of order,
But if we don’t find our voice and get to singing,
This project won’t project beyond the border.

Shouting vicious insults, making threats, and ranting
Won’t reflect repute as reasoned paragons.
Neither will the weak resort to mindless chanting
Like obsequious tea-party neocons. (more…)

A Commercial for Liberty

I know my own experience was shared by at least one other mover in this movement, and that was what gave me the idea for the song “Choices,” which I’ve posted elsewhere. While helping that same person move this weekend, I was surprised how prophetic the song I’d written earlier that week proved to be, particularly in the sixth verse. The title popped into my mind — one of those slight variants on a familiar phrase that appeals to the inner (and my case, overly outer) paronomastic, and it seemed like a good topic for what I call “commercials for liberty.”


I held a near monopoly on freedom ideology.
Lonely and reclusive nights were warping my psychology.
Discussing my ideas with the hometown population
Earned me reactions ranging from bewildered to abusive;
A few sincere discussions gained me quite a reputation.
At work I kept my mouth shut and grew ever more reclusive.
My life was one dull cycle of work, shelter, clothing, food.
Frustrated with my anomie, I’d sit at home and brood.