Open Letter to Steve Vaillancourt

Some people, including you, have claimed that I’m “not libertarian” because I called for the censure of a State Representative who stated that she wishes to restrict freedoms in an attempt to target a specific group of people. You called this a “witch hunt to deny free speech to a duly elected representative.” You don’t specify how a censure denies anyone’s free speech. Censure is defined as, to “express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a formal statement.” When a legislative body censures someone, they are formally expressing disapproval of a statement or action of an elected official. There is no removal of that person’s freedom of speech, simply a formal statement that the body disapproves of what was said. Impeachment is “a formal document charging a public official with misconduct in office.” Again, nothing about removing free speech in that definition either! [NH RSA’s do not define either term, so I am using the definitions from Google] (more…)

NH House Discussion on the Petition to Censure and/or Impeach Cynthia Chase

On January 30, 2013 the NH House of Representatives discussed the petition against Cynthia Chase. Representative George Lambert motions the House to hear the Petition for Redress against Cynthia Chase. Speaker Norelli rules that out of order, Lambert objects citing Part 1 Article 31 & 32 of the NH Constitution. Rep’s Vaillancourt & Richardson speak in favor of upholding the Chair’s ruling. (more…)

Petition Against Cynthia Chase is Filed Away

Despite the fact that Part 1 Article 32 recognizes the right of the people to “give instructions to their representatives… by way of petition…” AND Part 1 Article 31 states, “The legislature shall assemble for the redress of public grievances…” The NH House of Representatives failed to act on the petition that called for the censure and impeachment of Rep. Cynthia Chase.
Speaker of the House Terie Norelli ruled that since no member of the House had sponsored the petition, no one could make a motion on it. Rep. Gary Richardson told the Union Leader (more…)

Doing Something Right

I’ve been in New Hampshire less than 10 months, yet I’ve already pissed off a couple of State Reps. How did I manage to annoy members of the legislature? Good question, and I shall explain.

In December, a State Rep from Keene posted a comment on stating that Free Staters aren’t welcome and that she wants to pass measures to restrict freedoms in hopes that we will leave or be deterred from coming to NH in the first place.

I immediately found out that this State Rep is actually from Rhode Island and has only been in NH for just over 6 years. She’s not the only elected Democrat who isn’t from NH, so it appears there is some hypocrisy over whom, at least in her mind, is “allowed” to come to NH. (more…)

Open Letter to Girard-At-Large

I received an email from Ian Freeman. It seems you have took issue with an article I wrote, or at least part of an article I wrote.
I don’t think it’s unfair to say that cops are part of a gang of thugs, especially when they commit thuggish acts and get away with them. Last January the Chief Inspector of the London Metropolitan Police said, “You might have 100 people in your gang – we have 32,000 people in our gang. It’s called the Metropolitan Police.”
Do you remember when the Denver Police made shirts displaying a cop holding his night stick that read “We get up early to beat the crowds”?
A recent study concluded that “at least half of the estimated 375 to 500 people shot and killed by police each year in this country have mental health problems.” Police routinely act outside of their supposed authority, yet they are rarely ever punished.

As Ian said, “If all the police did was go after criminals who create victims like murderers, rapists, robbers, arsonists, I doubt anyone would label them in that manner.” I certainly would not!

I’ll be happy to discuss this with you either on the air or off, on my show or yours. I host Peace Love Liberty Radio every Sunday from 3-5p with open phone lines during the first hour. Feel free to call in at 603-435-1105
