Awesome New Documentary: “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire”

It’s out! “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“, the brand-new documentary produced by Free State Project participants is now available in full on Youtube.

This one-hour documentary is packed with 101 persuasive reasons why New Hampshire is the best destination for liberty-loving people. In addition to focusing on lots of reasons why New Hampshire is already a great, more-free place to live, it also showcases some of the successes of the Free State Project‘s early movers thus far. It’s an amazing film and kudos goes to executive producer Vince Perfetto and especially producer and editor Beau Davis for making it happen. This movie is going to be the key to pushing the Free State Project to 20,000 signers and triggering the official move – please share it as widely as you can!

Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree is BACK!

This Monday 11/17, Free State Project participants will be releasing their 2nd movie produced in New Hampshire called “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“. The new movie is being edited by FSP early mover Beau Davis, who was also the editor of the 1st FSP-participant-produced movie, the feature-length documentary, “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree“.

To celebrate the imminent release of 101 Reasons, we’re releasing the Director’s Cut of DJVCS for the first time ever on YouTube! Of course the YouTube version doesn’t have the TWO commentary tracks or hours of bonus activist footage that you can only find on the DVD – so grab your copy or buy it as a gift for the holidays for under $10 at Amazon!

Here’s the Director’s Cut of the movie on YouTube:

And as an added bonus, here’s the QnA session with the producers that happened after the real-life premiere at Keene Cinemas in 2012: (more…)

Liberty in North Korea Visits Keene – This Saturday 11/8, 1pm @ KSC

Liberty in North KoreaTomorrow (Saturday 11/8) at 1pm at the Putnam Science Center of Keene State College, you’ll be able to hear from representatives of Liberty in North Korea presenting about the jangmadang, the illegal marketplace that is now tolerated to some extent by the North Korean regime. The LINK folks are currently on a nationwide tour and have also visited Keene High School this week with a presentation.

Come on out at 1pm Saturday – here’s a facebook event you can join and share.

New Thrift Store Hosts Region’s First Bitcoin Vending Machine

Happy Customer Pays With Bitcoin @ 101 Deals

Happy Customer Pays With Bitcoin (the Bitcoin Vending Machine is to his left)

Many in the Keene area have read the Sentinel article about local businesses that are accepting bitcoin. Others may have heard about it from word of mouth or other media.  Bitcoin is becoming a worldwide phenomenon, and the word is getting out.  However it can seem confusing at-a-distance. What is this internet money and how do you get some?

The easiest way is in-person, from either another human, or in this case, a Bitcoin Vending Machine (BVM).

101 Deals Thrift Store just opened its doors on Monday at 661 Marlboro St. (NH RT-101) in Keene and on their first day of business, the Skyhook BVM was present, offering to sell bitcoin to anyone with a bitcoin wallet (usually on their smartphone).

If you don’t have a bitcoin wallet yet, there are a couple of very popular ones you can download for your favorite phone operating system: Blockchain or Mycelium. Once you have your wallet installed, drop into 101 Deals (seven-days-a-week!) with some cash and try out the Bitcoin Vending Machine.

101 Deals Proprietors

101 Deals’ Proprietors James Cleaveland and Jay Freeville

You can keep your bitcoin, or when the transaction is confirmed in the Bitcoin network, you can use some of it to buy something you want in the store, since 101 Deals accepts bitcoin for purchases, just as do several other local businesses including Corner News, The Farm Concessions, Moda Suo Hair Salon, Carroll Garden Center in Marlboro, and Stone Farm in Fitzwilliam!

The 101 Deals BVM is the only one in the region, according to  What an exciting development for the future of decentralized money in the Monadnock region!  To learn more about Bitcoin, visit or drop in to meet the local bitcoin community on the Keene Bitcoin Network facebook group.

Keenevention’s Sunday Afternoon has Free Admission!

This afternoon at Keenevention will feature the Bitcoin panel at 1:30pm, the Tech panel at 2:30pm, and keynote speaker Rich Paul at 3:30pm at the Best Western’s ballroom. Admission is free, so if you’ve been wanting to come check out the event, this is a great chance, plus you’ll learn a lot about Bitcoin and more!