AKPF Debuts Electronic Revenue Program

The Democratic People’s Republic of Keene has invested great times and energies into the parkingcardmanufacture of a technology which city leaders hope will revolutionize the act of paying for parking as we know it. For a small fee, citizens of DPRK can remotely pay their dues to the AKPF for services of the department via cell phone in certain designated metered parking area. An article in Friday’s Sentinel announced the technological advancement which will function on top of existing AKPF infrastructure. Printed on a card delivered to one of the Merry People through one of the democratic people’s republic’s enforcers, numerous benefits of the city’s new endeavour are envisioned, including the option of vehicle locator and remote payment. What government entity wouldn’t love new means of capital collection? Best wishes to DPRK officials as they sample their new system.


Robin Hooders to Protect Returning KSC Students From Parking Tickets

Robin Hood of KeeneRobin Hood of Keene recently distributed this press release:

Robin Hood of Keene believes strongly in the importance of education. Therefore, it has agreed, in solidarity with Keene State College, to welcome our future scholars back to Keene, New Hampshire by filling the parking meters on the College side of Main Street near Keene State College all day on Wednesday, January 22 2014.

As you may recall, Robin Hood of Keene collaborated with City of Keene last year to extend the Holiday Parking Week by an additional day. Just as that was the first time Robin Hood of Keene partnered with City of Keene, this will be the start of Robin Hood of Keene’s partnership with Keene State College. The partnership with City of Keene was a win-win for the people and small businesses of Keene. Robin Hood of Keene is looking forward to additional partnerships during 2014 with one overall goal in mind – saving the people from the King’s tariff.

You can like Robin Hood of Keene on Facebook and learn more about Robin Hooding here at Free Keene.

Announcing Keenevention 2014!

Best Western Sovereign HotelHappy new year! The first Keenevention was so much fun, we had to do it again for 2014!

Join liberty activists in Keene at the Best Western from Friday, October 31st through Sunday, November 2nd for this intimate, activism-focused convention.

Pre-event ticket sales are limited to only 100 tickets, so lock yours in now for the earlybird discount of just $40 and pay in either USD or BTC!

If you’re on Facebook, you’ll find the event for Keenevention 2014 here – please invite your friends. Don’t forget to like the Keenevention Facebook page as well, and then hover over the “Liked” and select “Get Notifications” to get the latest updates!

Also, if you missed 2013, check out plenty of pictures and all the full videos of the excellent panels and speakers posted thus far! More are being posted weekly to Keenevention.info.

Welcome to Our Newest Blogger, Graham Colson

Graham ColsonFree Keene welcomes our newest blogger, NH native Graham Colson. Graham has come a long way since he first discovered the ideas of liberty via the epic 420 celebrations several years ago here in Keene. Now he joins the blog team here at Free Keene. Here’s his bio from the bloggers page:

Graham grew up in nearby Swanzey. When he was 16 and still in forced public education, he heard about the exciting things happening in Keene and knew he had to be a part of that in some capacity or another. When Graham turned 18 he moved here and he says his life changed forever, “These last few years have undoubtedly been the most single most interesting period of my life, and I’m looking forward to whatever the future in the Shire holds.” Graham considers himself an Anarcho Capitalist, and seeks to be a part of bringing about the end of the cancer calling itself the state through nonviolent means. He shares an inspirational quote from Gandhi: “When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.”