PNN #95: Bitcoin Evangelist Takes On Keynesian Naysayer

peace_news_now_derrickThe April 14 2013 edition of Peace News Now was visually illustrated by Free Concord’s Garret Ean. In Sunday’s program, you’ll hear about the latest on Bitcoin, police accountability issues in Salisbury, NC, and how a recently declassified NSA document might reveal evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Check out episode #95 of the daily newscast produced by superactivist Derrick J Freeman below:

Juror for “Trespassive Three” Trial Says Fellow Jurors Would Have Convicted Gandhi, MLK

Despite a fine performance by New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union attorney Barbara Keshen, the sad, obedient jury did what the state wanted and convicted the Trespassive Three of Occupy NH for “Criminal Trespass” for the crime of exercising their rights to free speech and assembly after 11pm in Manchester’s Veteran’s Park.

The jury’s guilty verdict basically says that a city ordinance can trump the constitutional supposed “protections” for the rights we allegedly have as human beings. It is a terrible decision against their fellow human beings.

After the trial, several activists awaited the release of the jury and attempted to offer cash for a quick interview. They were not having it, one even saying “we’re not talking to you” which is a strange thing to say, since she was walking alone when she said it. (I didn’t record that interaction.) Were they instructed to not talk to us? One juror in the video says they weren’t given such an instruction, but I have to wonder if that is true.

The juror who speaks to us later is not shown in the video, at her request. Could that be because she was ashamed of what she did? She decided to talk to us only after all the other jurors and court security had left. (more…)

NHPR Focuses on Keene in Feature on the FSP – My Response

inthenews-nhpr[1]This morning on NHPR’s “The Exchange” with Laura Knoy about the Free State Project‘s first decade in NH, the haters were on the attack against liberty activists here in Keene. Keene activism dominated the conversation with FSP guests Carla Gericke, Joel Winters, and Carol McGuire (both are state representatives – Joel a democrat and Carol a republican).

Perhaps the host of the show will have another episode actually featuring Keene activists who can respond to the ridiculous critics. The usual complaints of toplessness in front of middle schoolers, smoking pot, harassing crossing guards, police, and court staff and other misinformation came up and the guests’ answers were dodgy at best or outright attacks on Keene activism. Carol McGuire, for instance, agreed with the host when she asked her if she thought Keene was a “black eye” on the Free State Project.

One thing is for sure, as Joel Winters points out, Keene activism gets people talking. Too bad none of the speakers on the show bothered to address the ridiculous critiques straight on. No one pointed out:

Answering a UNH Student’s Questions

I am currently being interviewed by a UNH college student for her project. I decided to record my answers as an audio file so as to make them available to a wider audience than just the student, Erin. In the audio I discuss the state’s violent nature, victimless crimes, the BEARCAT, Robin Hooding, the consensual organization of society, and more. Thanks to Erin for reaching out. Here’s the audio:

Your “Servants” Don’t Have to Give their Names

So claims “Dispatcher 12” of Antrim Police in this audio where I called Antrim PD dispatch to try to find out the name of the officer who ticketed me yesterday. The Antrim dispatcher refuses to spell his name for me and hangs up, so I call back and record the call this time. She finally spells his name, but then refuses to identify herself, accuses me of harassing her, in addition to claiming her and her fellow employees have no obligation to give her name.

Imagine any business acting like this – why do people keep paying for this awful “service”?