Correction: Parsells Claims he Didn’t Steal Sign

Here’s audio from a message Fred left on my voicemail where he claims he’s not a thief (as I alleged earlier) and that Clyde, who owns the house across the street, “authorized” him to remove the sign and further claims he didn’t want it there.

Clyde has yet to weigh in with his side of the story, but considering its Fred’s job to be the “code enforcer”, that he likely intimidated Clyde into allowing him to take the sign. Clyde’s roommate and blogger at Free Keene, Ademo Freeman, states that Clyde was told he needed to take down the sign, to which he responded that it wasn’t his and he didn’t live there. Fred then said he’d take it down for him and Clyde said, “Fine”.

When someone uses a threat of aggression in order to obtain obedience, that is called extortion. So, looks like Fred is not a thief after all, but instead is an extortionist. He’s a very nice extortionist, but that’s what he does for a living – threatens peaceful people whose property doesn’t meet the arbitrary rules set by a group of people calling themselves the “city of Keene”.

He also really believes he’s not doing anything wrong, as the end of his message reveals. He thinks he’s hung up the phone apparently when you can hear a co-bureaucrat in the background (more…)

Should Jails be Punishment?

Yesterday I called in to Keene’s open-phones local news show, Talkback, after the main host, Cynthia Georgina suggested jail telephone systems were too expensive. She didn’t understand why such an expense was necessary where jails are ‘supposed to be punishment’.

In the program, we were only able to touch on a few aspects of her belief, when there’s so much that could be said about that mentality. People who are not affected by jails can fail to recognize the unnecessary strain on human life created by conditions of caging. In the nation that has 25% of the world’s institutionalized inmates, it is still easy to ignore the plight of others when they are removed from sight and mind.

Staff photo by Don HimselThe state prison, ConcordBecause Cynthia was specifying jails, she was endorsing punishment of people held for either misdemeanor convictions (facing a penalty of under a year of incarceration) or those being detained pending trial. Detention pending trial could simply mean one is too poor to afford bail, or that they were in violation of any number of stringent bail conditions. When I brought up that New Hampshire jails are occupied by a large number of individuals convicted of driving infractions, Cynthia was surprised, unaware of the mandatory minimum prison sentence written into state law for those designated habitual offenders. (more…)

Continuous Radio: Guest Appearance on Ladies in Keene

keene_csquare_01Yesterday an appearance on Peace Love Liberty Radio from last week was released as an isolated segment. Today was published another radio appearance by Garret Ean on the Ladies in Keene program, which airs Saturdays from 11pm to 1am on the Liberty Radio Network. In the first of two segments, hosts Cecilia and Shaunna welcome Garret to discuss videos recently produced in the area. The second segment of the program finds them on the subject of UAV drone warfare. The 18 minute piece has been illustrated with relevant videos. You can hear the entire December 11 episode as linked.

Free Concord’s Garret on Peace Love Liberty Radio

2012_12_17_peacellradioGarret Ean of was featured as a guest on the final three segments of the December 9 episode of Peace Love Liberty Radio. PLLR broadcasts Sundays on LRM.FM live from Keene between the hours of 3 and 5pm, and the program is hosted by Darryl W. Perry. Much of the discussion centers around activist videography and responsibilities when recording and publishing content. You can hear the extracted segment in the embedded video.

State v Garret Bicycle Trial – Full Video

Originally published at

2012_12_16_lightOne may have noticed that a good amount of the content featured here in the past week has followed a bicycle headlamp trial endeavor of this blog’s editor, Garret Ean. The full trial video with very minimal editing has finished uploading and is now available via About 2/3 of the video’s fifty-four minute run time consists of the cross examination of detaining officer Michael Pearl. The raw videos from which the complete piece was crafted have been available since shortly after the event at Fr33manTVraw. There has been an entry featuring new media from the trial almost every day since, including coverage of the camera fiasco prior to the trial, a raw podcast segment overviewing the trial, and a visually illustrated discussion of court issues from Tuesday evening’s episode of Free Talk Live.

Dec 20 2012: And the verdict is