RLS 092 – Thanks but no Tanks


Recorded June 6th, 2016
In this week’s episode, the Rebel Love Crew covers the protest that took place earlier in the very same night at the Manchester City Hall. The protest was led by Carla Gericke, the president of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence. The protest focused on the militarization of the Manchester PD and the lock down of the west side of Manchester earlier this year. The Rebel Love Crew plays multiple videos on on air that were recorded at the protest including from within the city council meeting.
The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday night 10pm-12am EST on LRN.FM and RebelLoveShow.com/live. Call into the show, skype username: rebelloveshow

Manchester Cop Blockers to Converge on City Hall Tonight

Manchester Police State

Manch Cops Unnecessarily Intimidate Innocent People in Search for Suspect

Manchester has recently been the site of some major police state tactics including lockdowns and checkpoints. Tonight beginning at 6:00pm, Manchester-area activists and Cop Blockers will be holding a press conference at 6:30pm, then various members of the West Manchester community will be testifying to the city council about their experience in the recent police state activity. Here’s the full event announcement from Foundation for NH Independence president Carla Gericke:

Is the Manchester Police Department on the Warpath?

Concerned Manchester residents will gather at City Hall Plaza on Elm Street at 6PM on Tuesday, June 7th, 2016, to discuss the increasing use of military-style occupation tactics and deployment of military-grade equipment on the streets of Manchester, NH.

MPD Police Chief Nick Willard says, “crime is down 20 percent in Manchester,” yet in the past 3 weeks:

  • 8 Manchester schools have been placed under lockdown;
  • MPD has deployed its SWAT team and armored BEARCAT at least twice;
  • One home was tear-gassed;
  • At least 3 helicopters clamored over the city for hours after an entire neighborhood of 30,000 people was placed on lockdown with a shelter-in-place order for more than 5 hours after the suspect had been apprehended.

In Manchester, a city with a population of 110,000 that often ranks highly in affordability and livability, the past few weeks have seemed like a war zone. (more…)

Pirates on Bridge Ahead!

Armed men wearing badges were parked on the bridge in Manchester, New Hampshire. Friday, April 27, 2016. They used bright lights to stun, mesmerize, and intimidate passing travelers into pulling over. Once stopped, the armed men demanded documents and investigated their victims. Finally, they demanded money from the drivers backed by threats of kidnapping.

A watchdog group from Manchester organized a creative advertising effort to warn drivers of the danger ahead. With laser lights, reflective displayboard, and LED programmable signs, they stood by the bridge and informed those passing that it is their last chance to avoid the pirates.

Some went bar hopping, informing patrons of the extortion trap and offered cards with tips for interacting with the badged criminals.

This went from 10pm to 2am. All night, people expressed their appreciation as they passed and diverted their routes. I estimate that 100 cars were saved.

Reinforce these awesome people by moving to New Hampshire. Learn more at StateFreeProject.com

Full video here:

Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Trapped by Checkpoints

As Shire Dude shared last week, employees of the Manchester Police Outfit will be stopping, questioning, and potentially issuing ransoms and/or caging drivers at a suspicioness checkpoint on April 22nd.

Without question, individuals in and around Manchester have effectively Copblocked past instances of this Manchester police thuggary, and many have already expressed their intention to do the same via the Suspicionless Checkpoint Party event.

Suspicionless Checkpoint Party April 22 Manchester NH

In this video Manchester residents Rob Mathias and Cassidy Masengale detail their own motivation for participating and how such events tend to unfold.
