Over 550 Bitcoin Flyers Distributed @ Cheshire Fair 2014

Activists Explain Bitcoin and More at Cheshire Fair 2014!

Activists Explain Bitcoin and More at Cheshire Fair 2014!

Wow! What an amazing week at the Cheshire Fair! Sunday was (surprisingly) the busiest day at the fair of the entire week, and may have been the best day I can recall in all three years I’ve done booths at the fair. People were constantly streaming by the booth. As a result, we gave out over 200 Bitcoin fliers today alone, and probably close to 600 BTC fliers throughout the five days of the fair. In fact, we nearly ran out of full-color BTC fliers on Friday and I ordered 400 more black and white flyers from Staples and we gave them ALL out on Saturday and Sunday!

Once the Bitcoin flyers were tapped out on late Sunday afternoon, the crowd (there at that point for the demolition derby) continued to flow by. Chris Cantwell, (who is an amazing talent at doing booth outreach) and I handed out a large stack of CopBlock WARNING fliers. After quickly exhausting that supply, we moved on to handing out NHjury.com and Foundation for NH Independence fliers for the remainder of the event. In total, just Sunday alone, we likely handed out 500 fliers of the above-listed sorts.

Naturally, it was a lot easier to hand out the CopBlock, Independence, or Jury fliers. The reactions to those were almost all positive. Getting the Bitcoin flyers out was more of a challenge, mainly because lots of people attending the Cheshire Fair do not have internet! (We live in the woods.)

Giving away the pro-secession Foundation for NH Independence fliers was especially enjoyable as it was fun to watch New Hampshirites’ eyes light up (more…)

Almost Arrested for Recording Cops

Bad Cop on Make A Gif

This Friday was an eventful night. First, a man was arrested for honking his horn in support of activists. Then, my friends and I are threatened with arrest while trying to bail him out. He’s now sitting in jail for the weekend, and his car was impounded. The tow truck man accepted an offer by an activist to pay to tow the guy’s car to his home, but the police threatened to revoke the tow truck man’s contract with the city if he did.

The whole idea about police is that “society” gives up some rights and freedoms to a small group of people in order to gain some safety. The problem is that the people who are willing to give up their freedoms are already well behaved, and the people who behave badly are attracted to power. This arrangement turns a populations of good people into easy prey for tyrants, knowingly or unknowingly. Illustrated here:

Subscribe to my personal youtube channel DerrickJLive for all the raw videos, or just FR33MANTV if you want to see only the polished ones. More of everything at DerrickJ.me


A normal night across America is a normal night for activists in the Shire


Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

DUI checkpoints have become a normal way of life across America.  The violation of the fourth amendment is common place where people have become domesticated to the idea that police have the authority to stop and search you for simply 10570327_10152125834901618_1466585235351947903_ntraveling under the guise of “safety”.   In New Hampshire, it has become common place for dozens upon dozens of activists to take out cameras and show their opposition to the police.   On the night of 7-25-14, roughly 30 plus activists took part in warning motorists of the check point and confronting police about their illegal activity.  By yourself in any other part of America, this would be considered crazy and unsafe.  In New Hampshire, showing resistance and opposition to the police state is just a normal night.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 62


The ever controversial liberty blogger, Christopher Cantwell, visits the studio this week and promptly steals the show, but I’m not mad at him. It was good times.

What we talked about: Producing good internet content • Copblock under fire; Becoming too radical for some • Getting blocked from Facebook. Again • Ladies, stop trying to kill chivalry • Marvel introduces lady Thor • Darryl, and Rapsher join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Weare Police Settle Another Cameraman Arrest Case for $35,000

Biker Bill Alleman

Biker Bill Alleman, Vindicated

Just over a month has passed since attorney Seth Hipple spanked the notoriously corrupt Weare police in court and snagged a $57,000 settlement for Carla Gericke (the president of the Free State Project). Now, Hipple wins again and Weare is paying up $35,000 more to another liberty activist, Biker Bill Alleman, who was also arrested by Weare police for recording video in public in 2011.

In a press release announcing the settlement, attorney Hipple says, “The precedent set in Gericke v. Begin is just now starting to ripple through the courts…and I look forward to seeing many more victories for the First Amendment and government accountability in the coming years.”

Biker Bill is quoted in the release as saying, “I really hope we’ve seen the end of this unlawful nonsense in New Hampshire…Public servants need to understand, finally, that they’re ‘at all times accountable’ to the people.” On his facebook page, Biker Bill credits the Free State Project community as the reason for the success.

As part of the settlement, Biker Bill was given a written apology from new-to-the-job Chief John D. Velleca.  Apologies from police are VERY rare.  It states, in part: (more…)

Free Manchester Raw Youtube channel

Myself,  fellow Free Keene blogger Joel Valenzuela, activist Andrew Vermiglio (Shire Dude), and other Manchester activists have been uploading content to our raw unedited youtube channel called Free Manchester Raw.  Some video is great for stock footage other content covers activism and life in from our perspectives living in Manchester and traveling the Shire.  All content that we upload is intended to be used by any one who wishes to edit videos.  Below are playlist from the last two DUI check point Cop Blocking efforts in Manchester as well as footage taken at Porcfest 2014 and Operation Arcadia – NH Independence.

Porcfest playlist:
