Activists Gather Hundreds of Petition Signatures Opposing Concord BEARCAT, Hold Press Conference

BEARCATLiberty activists, led by Free State Project participants, recently gathered in Concord over the weekend to go door-to-door asking for petition signatures opposing the proposed BEARCAT, the armored “attack truck” the police are currently drooling over.  Here, the Concord Monitor reports on the successful petition drive that gathered hundreds of signatures.

On Monday, FSP president Carla Gericke spoke out at a press conference, calling for the grant application to remove all references to Free State Project participants and Occupiers being “domestic terrorists”.  The story about that press conference made the front page of today’s Union Leader.

Here’s the full press conference video, thanks to Biker Bill:

Ridley Reports on Secret Police Camera Robbery

garret_cbsboston_akpfThe Ridley Report has published a seven-minute feature on the camera robbery of Garret Ean that was orchestrated and executed by Joseph DiRusso on June 26, 2013. Yesterday the report featured commentary on the activism of Garret in the past and broadcast the footage of the camera snatch that was recently recovered. The conclusion of the piece implies there will be additional analysis of the situation by Ridley. Check out Cops Raid Reporter for Failing to Get his Facts Wrong:

New Mover Amanda Billyrock’s First Cop Blocking

billyrockSometimes Cop Blocking is a planned activity.  Sometimes it just happens, as it did with new mover Amanda Billyrock and her friends in Manchester:

Less than 24 hours ago, I had never cop-blocked before.

For the unaware, allow me to describe: the term “cop-block”, coined by, is the de-escalation of a potentially dangerous situation with police employees, by ensuring that all parties are held accountable for their actions. The main task is filming police interactions, but there’s more: getting names and badge numbers of the employees, repeatedly asking “Am I being detained?” to establish the requirement that there be suspicion of your having committed a crime for a stop to even be taking place, and refraining from saying anything more than “Am I free to go?”, as police are trained (and legally protected) to lie to you in an effort to prompt you to say something that they could use to prosecute you. (more…)

Lenco Armored Vehicles: Truth-in-Advertising

Last week it was brought to my attention that Lenco had produced another propaganda piece: this one highlighting the disgusting response from law enforcement during the Boston Bomber manhunt.  They entitled it Protect and Serve.  The only problem is they got the music all wrong and completely forgot about the use of creative subtitles.  I fixed it for them because that’s how nice I am.  Now it makes more sense.

Retrieving Property From the NH Secret Police

2013_08_19_akpfcameratheftWhile more is learned about what motivated the theft of my camera that occurred at the hands of state police in June, content continues to upload as it becomes available. Embedded below is footage of the retrieval of the camera at the state police headquarters on Ash Brook Court in Keene. The return was overseen by trooper Aaron Gillis, who was also a participant in the theft, though identified as a subordinate by the orchestrator of the incident, trooper Joseph DiRusso.

Also discovered last evening was some vandalism to the camera underneath the battery port, where someone had scribbled on the camera with different sharpies.