Pushy Bureaucrat Crashes Chalk the Police Day

I have gotten so used to having my camera groped at by authoritative busybodies that I am beginning to feel as though I should question my relative comfort with it. The first article featured on this blog was about a police officer who couldn’t keep his hands off of my phone when it was acting as an audio streaming device. Since then, I’ve had a previous camera clutched so firmly that it automatically powered off, in an escapade that traveled the blogosphere during the first annual lemonade freedom day. My Canon Vixia’s design is much more rugged and durable than the previous Nikon Coolpix I used to utilize for Free Concord videos. And I appreciate the upgraded zoom capabilities and high definition 16:9 widescreen frame. Today, as I celebrated International Chalk the Police day with others, my camera withstained a push from a Keene city parks and recreation director Andrew Bohannon, as he fumbled to conceal his identity from chalkers. After activists had covered most of the central square park in liberty oriented slogans and quotes, a man driving around the rotary yelled from his vehicle at the chalkers to stop. Myself and others waved and invited the person to join us for Chalk the Police day. Moments later, I noticed a man with a phone who had walked up onto the square and begun speaking with people, phone in hand, and an identification swinging from his neck. (more…)

Kudos to KPD’s Peter Bowers for Participating in “Chalk the Police” Day!

Keene Police officer Peter Bowers won some major cool points today in downtown Keene when he drew a smiley face with activist-provided chalk, as part of “Chalk the Police” day, a nationwide event sponsored by CopBlock.org! Video below. Even more interesting, Bowers did so after having been called to the square by the head of the parks and recreation department, who was complaining and trying to tell the liberty-loving chalkers to stop chalking, that we weren’t allowed, etc.

The parks and rec “director”, Andy Bohannon, stopped his van in the left lane at the traffic light on the West side of Central Sq. and got out to harass the chalkers, blocking traffic for at least ten minutes. He ironically claimed that people were complaining, but talk about being a public nuisance – HE was the one actually bothering people with his van blocking an entire turn lane!

Bohannon informs us that he’s called the police, and several minutes later they arrive and talk to him as we had run out of places to chalk on Central Sq. and had moved in front of city hall. The officers walk away from Bohannon and through the park where we encountered them as they were walking toward city hall, in front of Bank of America, where we told them it was Chalk the Police day and invited them to join in the fun.

To Bowers’ credit, he asked for yellow and proceeded to draw a smiley face on the sidewalk! What a great way to finish off a successful chalk the police day! Thanks, Peter! Here’s the video: (more…)

Wiretapped Manchester Principal Suspended Without Explanation

Maryellen McGorry, principal of Manchester West High School, was suspended some time last week. The story was broken earlier today by the Union Leader, which provided no explanation for the former prosecutor turned administrator’s sudden suspension. The UL quotes Manchester mayor Ted Gatsas, who publicly announced the penalty. McGorry has been the principal at West since 2007. Jason Talley is keeping tabs on the latest developments over at talley.tv. Free Concord readers may recognize Maryellen McGorry from her role as a witness for the prosecution in prosecutor Michael Valentine’s theatrical performance State v Adam Mueller.

Oct 1 2012: Another speculative article by the Union Leader.

Drunken KHS Teacher Claims Drugs Are Bad, But Alcohol is Fine

You never know what you’re going to see when you are out on the streets with Keene CopBlock. In this case, CopBlockers were confronted by two drunken college girls, one of whom claiming to be a physical education teacher at Keene High School.

The young women ironically claim that drugs are bad, while being pretty inebriated on one of the hardest drugs of all, alcohol. Also, they advocate that people who do drugs like cocaine should be arrested, then one admits to having done Adderall (a stimulant, like cocaine) earlier in her college career.

The remain oblivious of their striking example of hypocrisy throughout the interview. This is what was happening when I had spotted the undercover officers drive by and gave chase, resulting in this other video outing the undercover “liquor dicks”.

Here are the drunk girls: