HUGE NEWS: Jury Nullifies Felony in Cannabis Grower’s Trial!

Pot LeafIn a developing story that has hit, an NH jury has acquitted a man facing a felony for growing cannabis! It’s our first real-life case of jury nullification here in NH and the jury nullification law hasn’t even gone into effect yet. Kudos to the judge for reading a fair and easy-to-understand jury instruction about nullifying as an option! Also, it probably helped that a free stater was on the jury!

If you are an self-described anarchist or agorist and you are not registered to vote, you need to remedy that now. Being on the voter’s rolls means you could be chosen as a juror, which means that even if you never actually cast a vote in an election, you could cast a vote on a jury that could stop someone’s life from being ruined. Here is the proof. Is there still any doubt the Free State Project is working? If you haven’t made the move, what are you waiting for?

Here’s the story from Reason, which includes the judge’s instruction to the jury:

A few months ago, New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch signed a bill declaring that “in all criminal proceedings the court shall permit the defense to inform the jury of its right to judge the facts and the application of the law in relation to the facts in controversy.” Although the new law does not take effect until next January, a case decided yesterday in Belknap County illustrates the importance of the nullification power it recognizes. A jury unanimously acquitted Doug Darrell, a 59-year-old Rastafarian charged with marijuana cultivation, after his lawyer, Mark Sisti, argued that a conviction would be unjust in light of the fact that Darrell was growing cannabis for his own religious and medicinal use. More remarkably, Judge James O’Neill instructed the jury that “even if you find that the State has proven each and every element of the offense charged beyond a reasonable doubt, you may still find the defendant not guilty if you have a conscientious feeling that a not guilty verdict would be a fair result in this case.” (more…)

Keene Copblock Busts Four Undercover Liquor Enforcers!

It was Friday night, and Keene Copblock was on the streets. While observing another scene I noticed what looked like an undercover unit drive down the street and turn onto Marlborough. I gave chase on my bicycle down to the Keene police station, where the officers were taking beer from the trunk of one undercover Impala and loading it into the backseat of another. I pulled out my camera and began recording. That’s where the video picks up. Thanks to Lightspeedliberty for editing the video and the other CopBlockers for their dedication and assistance in busting these aggressors:

Waste Of Resources | Keene Police Department

Friday August 31, 2012, I went out to a Keene CopBlock event with about 12 other individuals. The purpose of the event was to patrol the streets of Keene and hold accountable public officials in the course of their duties by way of documentation. As the vehicle I was in drove down Winchester Street, I noticed approximately seven or eight Keene Police cruisers and three or four bike cops along Winchester CT, a short side street. We notified other activists via two-way radio, turned around, and found a place to park. Winchester CT mainly houses Keene State College students, it appears. The multiple officers were in various different locations; some were on the street, some in the backyards of homes looking around, and some standing on front lawns talking to people.

Activists recorded as well as talked to students about what was happening. Cecelia and I got a chance to interview a student after he very politely asked that Cecelia avoid filming the house behind us. To learn what was so urgent that a single police officer could not go across town to respond to a call about an extremely unsafe driver, continue to