Friday August 31, 2012, I went out to a Keene CopBlock event with about 12 other individuals. The purpose of the event was to patrol the streets of Keene and hold accountable public officials in the course of their duties by way of documentation. As the vehicle I was in drove down Winchester Street, I noticed approximately seven or eight Keene Police cruisers and three or four bike cops along Winchester CT, a short side street. We notified other activists via two-way radio, turned around, and found a place to park. Winchester CT mainly houses Keene State College students, it appears. The multiple officers were in various different locations; some were on the street, some in the backyards of homes looking around, and some standing on front lawns talking to people.
Activists recorded as well as talked to students about what was happening. Cecelia and I got a chance to interview a student after he very politely asked that Cecelia avoid filming the house behind us. To learn what was so urgent that a single police officer could not go across town to respond to a call about an extremely unsafe driver, continue to