As you know from day one of the “evidentiary hearing” in the Robin Hood case, the last thing that happened in court was that Pete filed a motion to remove his name from the case, since he has not been involved in Robin Hooding. The city’s hired-gun private attorneys filed an objection to that motion, stating that because Pete used a radio one time to announce the location of a parking enforcer and that he once had a conversation with one, that he must be considered part of the “civil conspiracy” and kept on the case. The judge denied Pete’s motion.
The last post I made about the case was regarding free speech attorney Jon Meyer’s motion to dismiss the case. Now the city’s attorneys have filed their objection. They claim they have a right to sue to protect their employees and that Meyer’s motion is improperly timed. They say they should be able to complete the evidentiary hearing before a motion to dismiss is entertained. Of course, there are two more full days of court slated for that evidentiary hearing, so that means more billable hours to the fancy private attorneys that the city people will force taxpayers to fund.
An interesting new twist has come to the case where a local man named Matthew Phillips has filed a “motion to intervene“, in an attempt to join the case as a defendant! Phillips makes the argument that since the city argued that Pete should stay as part of the case (when all he ever did was use a radio once and have a conversation with a PEO), that Phillips should be added as he claims to have Robin Hooded more than Pete. (more…)
I recently had a hearing at the DMV where the Keene police prosecutor, Jean Kilham, attempted to prove that I am a “resident” and that therefore I have to get a NH driver’s license. I argued that “residency” is something that one must voluntarily seek. Originally, Kilham had brought criminal charges against me for not getting a license, but then dropped them before the trial and told me she was going to go after me via a DMV administrative hearing as the burden of proof was lower.
She has succeeded, as expected, in having DMV administrator Michael King rule in her favor. According to his 12-page “Decision”, I will no longer have the “privilege” to drive in New Hampshire starting Novemeber 5th. The document does claim on the final page that there are “appeal rights” regarding the decision, as outlined by RSA 263:76. The word “rights” might make you think you have a right to appeal. However, on a trip to the Cheshire “superior” court, I was informed that there would be a $250 filing fee in order for me to use my “right” to appeal.
I filed a motion to waive the filing fee, citing that RSA 263 says the court “shall” rule in the case of appeal, which sounds obligatory. I also cite the NH constitution’s bill of rights, article 14, which states that legal remedies should be free. Finally, I cite a religious objection to funding an unjust and unfair system. Judge John C. Kissinger denied that motion citing Lamarche v McCarthy 158 N.H. 197 (2008). In that case, the NH Supreme court re-iterated several previous rulings that basically claim that NH Article 14 doesn’t say what it says. (more…)
The NH Civil Liberties Union has run the numbers and found that across NH, blacks are 2.6 times more likely than whites to be arrested for cannabis possession. That’s a pretty serious indictment about a pervasive institutional racism present among NH police. (I’m not saying all cops are racist. Betcha some of them are, though.)
It gets worse, though. Cheshire county is far-and-away the worst place of all the counties in NH. Law enforcement officers here are nearly TEN TIMES more likely to arrest blacks than whites for cannabis possession. That’s just…stunning.
Just like happened in Keene, the Concord city council voted 11-4 tonight to accept the Department of Homeland Security’s grant for the BEARCAT. When a similar vote happened in Keene’s city council in 2012, there were also four votes against it (and 9 votes for it – one councilor was absent and another had to abstain due to a conflict of interest).
As in Keene, the Concord councilors did not care what the people thought, despite over 1500 petitions signed against the BEARCAT and a huge outpouring of public opinion against it. The BEARCAT meetings were packed with concerned inhabitants and many more contacted the councilors outside the meeting to express their opposition. I cannot discern whether any councilors actually changed their minds on this vote, as the initial approval for the police to seek the grant happened a year ago and it was on the “consent calendar” of the council, which means they really didn’t vote on it at all initially. (As I understand it.)
Thanks to all the activists who spent so much time and effort on this – despite the council not caring, it was still good for outreach on the issue of militarization of police as well as lots of free press coverage. If you want to join the best liberty activism movement in the world, join the Free State Project, and move to NH ASAP!
This week’s fulfilling installment entered into the AKPF #1 timeslot on CheshireTV is Aqua Kzheckpoint Patrol Fortification #1, offering a unique perspective into a suspicionless checkpoint established on Route 12 in Walpole in addition to following up on AKPF #1 episode 10 Staatspolizei. Included in this episode are editorial videos by Dave Ridley, which do not represent the views of this channel, its staff, board of directors, or underwriters. Plus, you wouldn’t want to miss the unconstitutional anticamera tirade of Barnstable MassCop Gretchen Allen as captured by journalist Robert Bastille.
The BEARCAT issue in Concord festers further as the city council prepares for another hearing on the matter next Monday at 7:00pm. Today the Ridley Report published excerpts from a school board hearing which resulted in a decision by the ultimate propagators of all things ‘for the children’ — the Concord school board — to neither recommend nor block the acquisition of the federal government’s Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck. Ridley’s update includes B-roll footage from recent uploads to Fr33manTVraw as well as James Cleaveland’s LightSpeedLiberty channel. An update in last Thursday’s Keene Sentinel republished a Monitor article covering the board meeting and decision.