New Hampshire Red Flag Laws Have Got To Go

The following article was written by a friend of Free Keene anonymously. Please enjoy.

The Live Free or Die state has garnered a reputation for being extraordinarily pro-gun over the past few years. New Hampshire is either the best state in the union for gun rights or it’s tied with one or more other states for the coveted top spot. Granite Staters never need a permit to carry any firearm concealed or openly, and courts are the only places where guns aren’t allowed. The state government doesn’t restrict any magazines, ammunition, or accessories, and local governments in the state can’t do anything to restrict gun rights, either. Upon deeper analysis, however, one may find that New Hampshire is far from the best state for gun owners and supporters of liberty and due process. In fact, it may be the most tyrannical state in the union when it comes to the confiscation of firearms by police. 


Aria Listed As Anti-Democracy Extremist

Recently here in the federal prison that I currently call “home,” there was a fight between two miserable, awful human beings known around the unit as the Nazi and the Swindler. Even more recently, Granite State Watch released a list of anti-democracy extremists; I am on that list, and it brought much joy to this, the eighth month of my eighteen month prison sentence, to know that I struck such a profound fear in them that even the rattling of my chains echoes in their minds. Of course, Granite State Watch is correct in their assessment; I am an anti-democracy extremist. When all the cards are laid on the table, it’s shown that they, too, are anti-democracy extremists. Most people are.


First time gun buyer? What should you get?

Some friends recently moved to the Shire from a less-free place. They asked me what gun they should get. I offered to teach them basic firearms safety, pointed them toward a few ranges that offer classes from beginner to advanced, some that rent guns so they can try a variety and see what they like. They said they are mainly looking for home defense, but also one that they might be able to carry around. He is big and she is small. After compiling this information, I thought it might be useful to make it a video presentation. That way others besides my friends can benefit. Maybe there are people out there like me, who didn’t have any of this knowledge at the beginning and would have loved a video like this to give me some basic understanding.

Citizen Cain – 12 – Pretty Blue

Keene landlord says no to kids. Suffers the wrath of HUD • NH libertarians back on the ballot • State Rep Richard Marple arrested for noncompliance. Gets re-elected same day • State election results •

Citizen Cain – 09 – No Skin In This

Historic District annex brought to its knees • Rethinking the prohibition on political signs • Keene 2016 Benchmark. How do we compare? • City wide revaluation. Good for some. Bad for me. •