The Keene Divide?

Some of the local critics seem to think that the “free staters” in NH are organized from the top down, with Free State Project founder Jason Sorens at the top, issuing commands as our dear leader. It doesn’t work like that. The FSP is just an organization designed to bring liberty-lovers to NH. What they do when they arrive is up-to-them. Perhaps to Sorens’ chagrin, he is definitely not in charge. No one is. Sorens has always been openly critical of the Keene brand of outside-the-system activism and recently posted a link to the recent anonymous Sentinel editorial attacking Free Keene on the FSP forum with the subject, “Keene residents tiring of Free Keeners”. While that may be a true statement, it ignores the people in Keene who appreciate the liberty activists, of which there are many. The newspaper’s editorial and echo chamber comments section is not necessarily representative of how things really are. Now, why would that be?

Perhaps it’s because (more…)

Andrew Carroll’s LTE: “Why I Moved Here”

Andrew CarrollHeroic civil disobedience activist Andrew Carroll recently had his letter to the editor published in the Keene Sentinel. As usual, the comments area has erupted into controversy with anonymous haters trying to claim liberty activists are racists and that we want to force people out of NH. Feel free to weigh in over at the Keene Sentinel. By the way, Andrew is running for State Rep this year as an anarchist democrat. Here’s his facebook page for the campaign and his letter to the editor:

While I was serving at the restaurant where I work the other day, one of my tables consisted of a wonderful couple who shared my passion for politics.

They self-described as Democrats, but at one point during our conversation complained about the excessiveness of property taxes in this state and nodded their heads in agreement to my call for a smaller, more local government.

They even laughed when I told them the story of my friend who was open carrying in Manchester and a cop asked him, “Why would you carry a gun in the most dangerous ward in all New Hampshire?” (more…)

Sentinel Publishes My Reply to Pam Martens’ Hit Piece

Here’s the original confused, fear-ridden letter from Pam and my reply as published in today’s Keene Sentinel:

I see that Pam Martens has brought her misinformation to the pages of your fine newspaper and felt inspired to respond, as one of the much-maligned “free staters.”

Pam wrote:

“A majority of Free Staters currently in New Hampshire have indicated they want to replace public education with home schooling and private schools; they want to end all government regulation of businesses, from licensing manicurists, to getting drivers licenses, to elimination of planning and zoning boards. They don’t believe government should be able to mandate taxation to pay for schools, roads, Social Security or any social welfare programs like nursing homes.”

First, I highly doubt Pam has spoken with a majority of free staters, as there are more than 800 of them here in New Hampshire. Of course, the New Hampshire liberty movement is much larger than that. So-called “free staters” are merely the backup for the already existing liberty lovers here, many of whom are natives, unlike Pam.

What she doesn’t understand is that most liberty-oriented people I know are in favor of many of the things she talks about, minus the coercion. I’m fine with schools, roads and helping the poor. In fact, I contributed a significant amount to the United Way during last year’s funding drive, because I believe in charity.

However, government is not charity. It is force. I cannot support using the evil means of aggression to achieve good ends of helping people in need. We can help people in need without aggressing against our neighbors. (more…)

Varrin Swearingen Responds to Pam Martens

Varrin Swearingen (president of the Free State Project) has had his response to Pam Martens’ attack piece published in the Keene Sentinel. Here’s a link to his letter to the editor – as you can see Varrin is already under fire by anti-freedom commenters.

Here’s the text of his letter:

Pam Martens calls for an “untrammeled debate” on the issues (“We have a right to speak our minds,” Keene Sentinel, April 4), but before getting into any specific topic, we need to address the elephant in the room: Where do our rights come from?

Mrs. Martens writes, “rights are derived … from engaged citizens in a participatory democracy.”

She believes rights are granted by society, and denies individuals any natural rights of their own; what some might call “human rights.”

Her opinion conflicts with the simple idea that each of us has our own inherent, unalienable rights, and that government, democratic or otherwise, should be limited to protecting those rights. (more…)

Cannabis Culture’s Feature Article on Keene’s 420 Celebrations!

CCThanks to Jodie and Marc Emery and the rest of the great crew of Cannabis Culture for publishing this awesome feature article all about Keene’s cannabis freedom movement, starting with Andrew Carroll’s arrest last year and going through the Nashua crackdowns. Not only that, but they allowed JJ from the Free Keene Press to write the piece! They included activists’ photos as well as videos from OTN and Anarchy in Your Head. It’s an amazing piece that is going to help put Free Keene on the cannabis activism map!

If you found this website via Cannabis Culture, please take a look around – there’s a lot more happening here than cannabis freedom activism.

Here’s the text of the piece: (more…)

Concentrated Civil Disobedience and Noncooperation are the Keys to Liberty

Before I begin, I’d like to share a brief quote from an article by the Keene Sentinel’s Phil Bantz:

“At least 95 percent of all cases are settled by plea negotiations,” Keene defense lawyer Paul G. Schweizer said. “Plea bargains are absolutely essential to the judicial system.”

Without plea deals, the courts, jails and prisons would become clogged with defendants and inmates.

“As a practical matter, we would have to build 10 new courthouses in Keene if we took everyone to trial,” he said. “We would have to hire five times as many police officers and prosecutors. The judicial system would come to a screeching halt.”

Please take a moment and think about that quote. It reveals an Achilles’s heel of the state. Their system is counting on you to go with the flow.

“Just take the plea, pay up, and we’ll make this go away.”, say the government aggressors. Naturally, people eagerly take the “deal”. I can’t blame anyone for wanting to minimize the harm that the state is inflicting upon them and their loved ones.

However, I’d like to encourage them take a longer view. (more…)