Correction: FSP Movers Are 26% of Net NH Migrants, Not 15%

Free State ProjectAccording to Free State Project founder Jason Sorens, the database available on the FSP website does not actually catalog when movers moved, despite using the term “mover” in the database. The date shown there for each mover is apparently their date of signing the FSP’s Statement of Intent. So despite us double-checking the numbers, this confusion resulted in an inaccurate article I posted earlier today. Here is a correction to that article.

In the original article here, I corrected (or so I thought) the incorrect (and subsequently withdrawn) article that was originally posted by the FSP that used bad numbers to determine that FSP movers numbered 36% of domestic migrants from Jul 2013 – Jul 2014. Using the numbers provided to me by Darryl W. Perry, we determined that, using a larger timeframe of Apr 2010 – Jul 2014, the actual percentage of all migrants (including international) was 15%. However, due to bad input data it turns out that the actual number is over 26%!

Here’s how I determined that FSP movers amount to 26% of the net migrants into NH from Apr 2010 – Jul 2014. First, I kept the same number of net migrants from the census data, which is 3,013. Then, using data from from April 2010 and July 2014, I determined that according to the numbers presented on the front page of on those dates, that 810 people moved to New Hampshire in that timeframe. 810/3013 = 26.88%!

That’s an impressive percentage, especially if you consider that the FSP’s official move has not yet been triggered. When that happens (at 20,000 FSP signers), thousands more liberty-oriented activist movers will be on-the-way.

Here’s the now-retracted article: (more…)

Keene Voters Enslave Their Neighbors

The Free Staters are upsetting local bureaucrats again. This time they tried to return freedom to the people by limiting the amount of money local politicians can demand from them. The politicians weren’t happy.

One of the school board members said, “We don’t need a very small minority of people in this community — that do not in any way represent the will of the people — telling us how to do our job.”


Rebel Love Show Ep 32: The Free Keene of Atheism


Carlos Morales, CPS whistle blower and atheist activist joined myself and fellow Free Keene blogger and co-host Shire Dude in the Rebel Love studio recently. Topics discussed include his new book Legal Kidnapped, Russian oil prices, American fracking, walking the only beach in the Shire, Rob and Carlos discuss being recovering fat guys, Carlos discusses the cults he was involved in, Carlos discusses his activist career in the athiest movement, pros of the FSP and BRLP, why Carlos started his media out reach, and liberty activism for an untapped market.

To find Carlos and his work, check out You can find the Rebel Love Show on Itunes, Stitcher, Youtube, Google +, and Facebook.