Yesterday while Robin Hooding in Keene, I stopped into the district court while another person held a camera. Asking the receptionist about when information will be released relative to my case, I was told that the original ‘return date’ of unsealing was scheduled for July 26. For some reason, the unsealing was delayed until August 6. Are the authorities buying themselves more time to avoid the inevitable accountability check? It is also unclear whether the information release will be accompanied by the release of my Canon Vixia camera. Video from the day continues to upload to a playlist at Fr33manTVraw (see the court update from yesterday embedded below). For more info from this incident, check out Pete Eyre’s original post NH Bureaucrats Conspire to Censor Garret Ean at CopBlock, as well as the ninth episode of AKPF #1, which was largely dedicated to this topic.
There are rumblings of a conspiracy theory afoot in Keene — following the official declaration of conspiracy by the city’s hired legal counsel, now the lucrative criminal masterminding has affected the broadcast schedule of AKPF #1. Keene’s favorite local variety series will not air this week, as it has been replaced by a highlights reel of AKPF #1 series producers Garret and James’ appearance on Black Sheep Rising, another locally produced entertainment series. Black Sheep Rising is unique in that it is not subject to broadcast “decency standards”, as it normally airs in the after-hours programming slot on Cheshire TV. The regularly risque media has been sanitized for daytime viewing standards in this family-friendly rendition of BSR to be aired in this week’s AKPF #1 time slot. Discover all sorts of unconventional wisdom and news happenings from the Robin Hooding crew in the BSR episode 07 redux. Tune in to AKPF #1 next week to see the global conspiracy episode, in which Prince John and Jester Mullins lay out their visionary concerns.
NH Secret Police vehicle, captained by trooper Joseph DiRusso
One week after having my property stolen from me by a secretive enforcer for the New Hampshire state police, I have written a letter which I have submitted to Larry Kane, the clerk of court for the Keene district. I entertained the idea of writing to the judge in this case, but ultimately decided to address the clerk of court. Not being charged with a crime, I cannot file a motion relative to a charge, so I instead exercised my free speech and relayed my issues and requests to the court’s president of paper.
Dear Mr. Kane,
I, Garret Ean, am a member of the Keene, New Hampshire community. On the morning of June 26, I was bicycling in my neighborhood when I was approached by two men claiming to be acting under judge Edward Burke’s authority. One of them handed me paperwork before penetrating my pants pockets with his bare hands, looking for all sorts of items to deprive me of, ultimately settling on confiscating only my valuable videocamera.
When I was free of the undesired captivity of the two strangers, I searched to find out why it was that my property was taken, and why such a warrant exists. As I flipped through the documents, I discovered that at least one attachment cited in the partial search warrant was missing. Specifically missing was the explanation of what constituted probable cause to violate my state and federal constitutional, as well as human rights. (more…)
On the cusp of continued revolution the world over, AKPF #1 Ep. 07 brings perspective to the goings-on in Keene, New Hampshire. Royalty continues its legal civil assault on the Merry women and men, while the globe collectively laughs at the prospect of Robin Hood of Keene being a joint terrorist organization as alleged by agitators in support of city force. Propaganda videos and documents circulate as anonymous antagonists subvert power structures. Where will it end? Tune in next week for even more outrageous updates from the underground.
1. 00:10 Opening Beethoven Credits AKPF
2. 01:52 Where’s the Video of Robin Hooders Hassing Meter Maids? by Ridley Report
3. 06:58 Free Keene audio video blog chronic ling segueway
4. 07:04 Excerpts from the Robin Hood initial hearing shenanigans
5. 19:14 Derrick J’s Peace News Now segment on Robin Hooding
6. 20:22 Darryl wins a parking ticket examination courtroom procedure
7. 24:13 Derrick J video records Robin Hood in action and gets attacked by Daniel J. White (more…)
Days after the city of Keene published an embarrassingly poor quality, overchopped video linked from the front page of their website, the producers of AKPF #1 have responded by illustrating the number of doctorations contained in the thirteen minute shameful sham. Check out this sneek peek at content to be featured in the fourthcoming AKPF #1 episode 08. Episode 07 will air this coming Monday, July 1. Catch up on the exciting variety series from the beginning at
From 1:29 through 14:49, the complete and uncut production by anonymous CoK forces is played, with the only additions being music during silent title interludes and the counters at the bottom of the screen documenting the quantity of dastardly edits.
Did you see the recent MSFI committee meeting in city hall? Here’s the video and the minutes. Allow me to direct your attention to page 11 of the minutes where a very interesting and revealing conversation takes place between city attorney Thom Mullins and councilor Phil Jones.
In it, the committee members are looking at their options to do something about the synthetic drugs. The attorney proposed a resolution or an ordinance, but admits the ordinance would be subject to challenge in the criminal courts as it is likely unconstitutional. The constitution is treated as though it’s an annoyance, but ultimately Mullins is asked by Jones that if they were to outlaw the chemicals via illegal ordinance, wouldn’t that deter challenges due to people not wanting to go through court? Mullins affirms it would deter challenges and points out that no municipality in NH has yet had such a challenge. However, he reveals, it could present a liability issue.
This entire portion of the minutes is a perfect example of what I’ve said for a long time – the government people do whatever they want and hope they don’t get called on it in court. The court system is ponderously slow and also intimidating, so the various illegal ordinances and statutes that are passed by these control-freaks are never challenged – and they know it. (more…)