Delmar Burridge is a Sociopath

You may have heard that I am running for State Rep in Keene this year against Chuck Weed and Delmar Burridge. Chuck Weed is good on ending cannabis prohibition and is also the incumbent – to his credit as well, he will be debating me in the upcoming candidates’ forum on 10/16 at 2pm in the Keene library.

Delmar Burridge, however, is not going to appear at the candidates’ forum. Perhaps because he thinks he has the election in the bag, or maybe because he doesn’t really want voters to hear his sick, twisted views. Allow me to refresh you on what Burridge has to say. I would like to take you back to 2008 when Free Keene blogger and then host of Free Minds TV Toby Iselin had an email exchange with Burridge regarding cannabis decriminalization. After Toby asks Delmar to do the right thing and move the legislation forward, Delmar responds with an insulting screed that actually advocates Toby snitch on his cannabis-using friends, saying,

“You are very passionate in your beliefs and would make a great snitch. It is thrilling to dime on your so called friends.”
-Delmar Burridge to constituent

The rest of his outrageous email to Toby is worth reading. This sociopath ex-law enforcement officer is my competition in the upcoming Keene state house race. If you want to vote for oppression of freedom, Burridge is your man. If you want to vote for liberty, I’m the clear choice, having been endorsed by the NH Liberty Alliance.

Sentinel Candidate Questionnaire for Ian Freeman for State Rep, Keene

The following are my answers to the Keene Sentinel‘s candidate questionnaire:

Name: Ian Freeman
Age: 32
Town: Keene
Party Affiliations: NH Liberty Party, Libertarian Party
How long have you lived in the area: Since 2006
Family: Yes
Education: Associates in Radio/TV Broadcasting
Occupation: Talk radio personality on Free Talk Live, Program Director of LRN.FM
Organizations to which you belong / have belonged: NH Liberty Alliance, NH Liberty Party, Libertarian Party, Free State Project,
Public/governtment Service: Longtime peace and pro-accountability activist.

1. Why are you running for the NH House?
The NH Liberty Alliance consistently ranks Keene’s “representatives” very poor (C-F) on their yearly report. I would provide a principled voice for liberty in the state house.

2. What are the three top issues facing state government and how would you deal with them? Please be specific:

The question has it backwards – the issues are those that have been created by the state government that are actively harming the people of NH. Here are three:

-Victimless crimes: (more…)

Sedition is Sexy Episode 1: Introduction

This is my first episode of my new show Sedition Is Sexy where I introduce myself! Look for an episode at the least each week! I look forward to your comments and observations!

Welcome to our newest blogger, Lorri Rodier!

Lorri RodierFree Keene welcomes longtime local and entrepreneur Lorri Rodier as our newest blogger. Here’s her bio as it appears on our Bloggers page:

Lorri lives in the Keene area, and has almost her whole life. She’s the mother of three children, and runs a small business. She loves NH, raising her family here, and recommends it to others looking for a good place to live. The only thing that would make NH even better, in her opinion, is if we could truly be the “Free State”. She hopes to help make this happen.