Video of Carla Gericke’s Keynote @ Keenevention 2014

Carla Gericke is the President of the Free State Project and is such a great keynote speaker we brought her back for Keenevention 2014! This year her speech compared today’s activism to the 1960s. What we can learn from activists in the past? Find out in the full video of her speech and Q&A:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Video of the New Movers Panel @ Keenevention 2014

Get a fresh perspective on NH activism from a panel of people who’ve moved within the last year – in this full video of the first-ever New Movers Panel at Keenevention, hosted by Josie Wales.  Panelists included independent candidate for Cheshire Sheriff Chris Rietmann, superactivist Joël Valenzuela, Shire Dude Andrew Vermiglio, and Keene Cop Block‘s Stephen Daves:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Attendee Posts Epic Journal From Keenevention 2014



“Keenevention was definitely the place to be if you have any interest in discussing productive ways to protest, work around, or blatantly disregard the State.” -Blogger Richard Masta

Most of Saturday and Sunday from Keenevention 2014 are described in detail on Richard Masta’s excellent blog, “Dispatches from Keenevention 2014“. The investigative journalist raves about the event and includes in-depth reviews of multiple panels and speeches, various encounters and conversations, and lots of photos from the panels as well as the HALLOWKEENE costume dance party.

The first person I noticed in the lobby was also wearing a stand-out hat. This fellow was Hunter S. Thompson — he had the cigarette, the Hawaiian shirt, the glasses, you name it. Oh, this was going to be a fun weekend…

If you missed Keenevention this year or you attended and wanted to know another attendee’s perspective, this article won’t disappoint.

Video of the Cop Block Panel @ Keenevention 2014

Keene and Manchester have long been hotspots for copblocking and especially so in 2014. Manchester has had regular DUI checkpoints that have been blocked by 30-40 activists throughout the Summer. Keene Cop Block has generated huge positive name recognition with their regular know-your-rights outreach & copblocking in the college neighborhood on weekend nights. Learn about what’s happening in the Shire from some of the key activists involved in Keenevention‘s first-ever Cop Block panel. Presented by Cop Block’s Eric Freerock. Panelists included Joël Valenzuela, Centurion, and Christopher Cantwell.

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Black Sheep Rising – Ep78 – Curb Stomping 101


Remembering Keenevention 2014 • Ballot selfie etiquette • Open carry. What could go wrong? according to some LEO • Are my kids too loud for you? How bout I punch you in the teeth for noticing • BSR: behind the scenes • Awesome map of the entire internet • Darryl, Steven, and Shaunna join • Show notes at: