“Mayor” Dale Pregent Continues to Be Rude to Independent Media

You’ve seen him ignore independent video journalist Dave Ridley multiple times, but when confronted with someone he doesn’t know, Derrick Horton, “mayor” Dale Pregent first acts nice as though he will answer a question. However, when he discovers the subject matter, he abruptly turns and walks off. An unidentified city councilor also ignores Derrick. These people don’t care about even trying to look good…

Newport District Court Allows Hats, Gum – Mark Edge Trial Video

It’s all arbitrary. In Keene, sometimes activists are arrested for wearing hats, sometimes not. Sometimes people are threatened and arrested for using video cameras in the court lobby, sometimes not. Here’s video of Free Talk Live host Mark Edge taking a speeding ticket to trial and being found guilty. You’ll also see court security attempting to intimidate Liberty on Tour’s Pete and Ademo into removing hats and gum. They fail. Chief of security Lance Walton instructs the lumbering goons to back off and let the robed man decide, then the robed man ignores the hats and gum.

Sheriff Dispatch Bureaucrat Refuses to Identify

So, I called the Cheshire Sheriff’s office today in an attempt to learn how to file a complaint as I was assaulted by one of their court security officers today. Unfortunately, I could not even begin a conversation as for a long period of time I did not know to whom I was speaking. Listen to this bureaucrat, who later reluctantly just gave his first time, refuses to answer a simple question that anyone in a customer service role should be happy to answer. Instead, he robotically utters the same phrasing over and over.

This is what customer service is like when its run by a violent monopoly. You can’t switch to their competitor, so it doesn’t matter how they treat you.

Here’s the audio.