Tebo’s Persepective on “Chillaxing” Arrests

I am reposting this article from another blog I follow. Some FreeKeene folks are mentioned.

This article was originally published by the Free-Hater News Dec. 23, 2011:
Boom! Two Arrests Before Annual Christmas Party!

Keene, NH – So I walk into Judge Arnold’s courtroom, and that monster Ian Freeman is sitting there for a hearing about Thomas Ball*. His Free-Stater loons were all sitting behind him so pathetic, but wait! No cameras?! “Hell yeah,” I thought. I put on my toughest game-face and pointed with my mightiest finger and walked with my most German march and told them if they don’t remove their hats or stand for the judge, they’ll be arrested. They think they’re hardcore, sitting there looking stoned and motionless. John** walks in, the free-stoners remained seated, and I asked him if I could arrest them. He said yeah so you know the fun is about to begin!

I went over to go put cuffs on these people but then realized I couldn’t possibly arrest all of them at once, as strong and agile as I am. I called for backup and my buddy came and helped me block these guys into a corner. Some of the wimps threw up their hands and said they were leaving under duress and made stupid comments about how WE should be respectful! Can you believe it? I mean these people seriously have the gall to come in and disrespect my friend John like that and think nothing’s gonna happen? Not on my watch! I’m what the taxpayers want. They want me there to make sure this baloney like wearing hats indoors doesn’t fly. Happy to help, taxpayers.

It was pretty awesome arresting these two. The one guy and girl thought they were sooooo cool ’cause they didn’t have to stand up when John walked in the room. Like they were just going to relax and just make themselves at home sitting there ignoring everyONE and everyTHING in the courtroom. What’re you doing there if you’re not going to follow the rules? You’re gonna get thrown out. Duh.

The guy called TalleyTV weighed about 180 lbs and was built like a brick outhouse. The wimpy baby got down on the floor and I dragged him across the floor through the courthouse to a paddywagon where I waved goodbye. The girl called Kelly Voluntaryist had no problem walking herself. I don’t know how such a pretty girl learned to be so disobedient. Both of them are part of some website called Fr33 Agents. Sounds like a bunch of dissidents who need me to put ’em in their place.

Well, crazy day, but it looks like I won my bet with the other bailiffs***. One day I’ll have enough saved up for that penis enlargement surgery, and I won’t need this job to get my kicks. Until then, I’ll see you in court!

Tebo Baggins

Head Writer and Editor of Free-Hater News

Notes for non-regular readers of Free-Hater News:

*(that guy who lit himself on fire in front of my courthouse) — See other blog post: “Freeman seeks Freedom of Information: Denied LOL!!” – Dec. 22, 2011

** John P. Arnold, Judge Superior Court Keene, NH

***Regular readers of my blog, “Courtroom Fairy Tales and other Violent Romance Stories” may recall my bet with the other bailiffs that I could make 2 arrests by Christmas. – Dec. 1, 2011

Open Response to the Robed Man Who Believes He Controls This Blog

If you’ve been reading this blog in the last week, you are aware of the controversy brewing around FK blogger and former cop Brad Jardis’ plan, along with former military member Tommy Mozingo, to walk onto the campus of Plymouth State University with guns, openly carried. Their purpose was to educate the students about their supposed right to carry weapons for self-defense. He announced it in advance here three days ago and since the government university system has been freaking out.

Now they have gone to the “Grafton Superior Court” to save them from the peaceful gun rights demonstration and outreach event. A man who wears a robe has decreed some pretty outrageous stuff in a “TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER”, issued today to Brad and Tommy.

First, Brad and Tommy are “enjoined” from carrying any weapons on any state university campus, including Keene State and UNH. But not just Brad and Tommy (more…)

State vs. Ademo Freeman, the Resistant Chalker

Ademo Freeman went on trial last Monday in Manchester district court to answer to the charges of criminal mischief and resisting arrest. Ademo was the first of the Chalking 8 arrests made outside the police station during a police accountability rally on June 4. At least 17 supporters and members of independent media were present to witness as the state presented its case against Ademo, with five city of Manchester employees speaking in favor of the state.

Before the proceedings were underway, there was much conversation between liberty activists present and the representatives of the state. As these interactions were being filmed by various camera-wielding individuals, bailiffs approached those with cameras visible and handed them an order signed by the judge that limited recording to the duration of the trial itself. The order effectively banned pre and post trial interviews and interactions, which are often recorded when activists are due in court. The move was likely motivated by an interaction on camera which occurred outside courtroom #201 following my own trial three days prior.

At about 1:30, the event was to get underway when the defendant asked the status of two pretrial motions he had filed. Judge William Lyons indicated that he had denied both motions previously. Ademo responded that he would be ready to proceed after reading the judge’s ruling on the motions, and after a short recess, prosecutor Gregory Muller called his first witness.


Torture/Murder a Federal Employee, Receive Verbal Warning

Really. No, wait, not really. 

It has been several months since I contributed to the Free Keene blog regarding my transition to liberty or my opinions about stuff that is happening in the government world. In fact, my second to last post here was about how I, for the first time in 30 years crawling this planet, got arrested.  I was arrested at the US/Mexico border in Nogales, AZ by United States Customs and Border Protection for exercising the 5th Amendment.

My blog was titled “I Sat in a Cage to Defend the 5th Amendment.”

Well, I finally got my “arrest report” from the feds (after 4-5 months of notarizing forms, mailing things back and forth, and begging) and it sure looks like they let me off easy for the pure evil I unleashed at the border station. It looks like I misled you in my July blog in that that I failed to mention that I, according to the federal officer who arrested me, murdered one of their co-workers.

Among the two things I “could have been arrested” for were 18 USC 111 and 18 USC 1114. That would be forcibly impeding and murdering a federal officer. Now verbal warnings are given out every day for things like speeding and rolling through a stop sign… but I never imagined I’d get a verbal warning for violating a law that I could get the federal death penalty for. I went straight from never having been arrested or convicted of anything to the lethal injection.

Here’s the report.  It is so ridiculous, I believe it deserved its own meme.

Now, having written a police report or two myself, I’ll point some things out that are happening in CBP Officer Aldrich’s weak attempt of a report he came up with.


Biker Bill’s Felony “Wiretapping” Charge DISMISSED!

Thanks to the Union Leader for covering the story, where a judge dismissed the wiretapping charge against Biker Bill, saying:
“engaging in an audio recording of a police officer in the course of his official duties in a public place is protected speech under the First Amendment”

CONCORD – Citing a federal appeals court ruling, a Goffstown District Court judge dismissed a charge of unlawful wiretapping against a Weare man who used his cell phone’s voice mail to record a traffic stop by a police officer.

Judge Edward Tenney cited a First Circuit Court of Appeals order in August in the case Glik v. Cunniffe in making his ruling. “The Glik holding makes it perfectly clear that First Amendment protections apply to both audio and video recording.” (more…)