Manchester Activists Continue Jury Nullification Outreach

10410096_298255033682853_3078734082147211273_nOn the morning of  June 16th, 2014 myself and fellow Free Keene blogger Joel Valenzuela were accompanied by activists Angela Aronoff, Nicholas Buroker, and new Free State Project mover Andrew Vermiglio at the Hillsborough County Superior 10448210_298250733683283_7905153735992598897_nCourt House located in down town Manchester NH.  We arrived at the court house to warmly great jurors as they approached the building.  As they approached, we were handing out pamphlets to jurors.  The pamphlets inform the jurors of their rights as a juror.  The emphasis being that a jury can vote not guilty if the law is unjust.  Jury nullification outreach has been consistent every jury selection at this court house since March of this year.  Hopefully other activists around the state will do the same at other court houses.

AKPF #1: Ordinance Artistic

In this artistic, relaxing installment of AKPF #1, the audience is treated to imagery and nature sounds to fill out the twenty-nine minutes of airtime. Learn about recent celebrations in Robin Hood park, sign waves alongside the county corrections institution, and home chalking in suburban Keene.

SFK!!! Silent Protester Joins in the Chalking!

Chalking outside ParsonageThroughout some STOP FREE KEENE!!! members’ War on Chalk, chalk has always been made available to them by liberty activists so that the SFK!!! members can express themselves and add their ideas to the mix, rather than deleting other people’s ideas.  Until now, they have refused to participate in the chalking.

Now, in a pleasantly surprising turn of events, one of the 20 silent protesters from a few weeks back has broken the silence and chalked his own message!  His message was found this morning outside of the Shire Free Church’s parsonage in Keene.  It says “THIS HOUSE IS A FRAUD!”, with an arrow.  Rich Paul chalked above it earlier today, adding, “Boston Strong Can Chalk!!!”.  The SFK!!!-supporting man was in Central Square on Monday night washing chalk off the sidewalk when he and another local man who was chalking got into a verbal confrontation.  The man allegedly claimed to be from Boston and allegedly threatened the local chalker.  He was given the moniker of “Boston Strong” as a result.  At this time his identity is unknown.


“Boston Strong”

Boston is most certainly the chalker from this morning.  Not only did he hold a sign with a similar message in the silent protest, but he also lives a few houses down River Street from the church parsonage.  Plus, a man wearing a hoodie was seen leaving Boston’s house, chalking the message, then returning to Boston’s house at approximately 5:17 this morning.

It was during the verbal confrontation at Central Square involving Boston on Monday night that alleged Pedrazas/Pour House employees threatened and attacked the local chalkers.  Interestingly, one of the men who threatened and came at the chalkers (who also stole appears to steal and smash Garret’s camera) is from Washington DC.  Funny that some people critique Free State Project participants for coming here wanting to live free, all the while people fomenting violence and destruction of artwork in the streets of Keene are also NOT from New Hampshire. (more…)

Violence in Central Square – Attacker Identified (UPDATED)


Do you know this man?

Early last evening in Central Square, a troubling act of violence occurred when a local man, Matthew Oldershaw, known to many as ‘Yankee’, was shoved into the granite fountain and sustained head trauma. This occurred while Yankee was conversing near the fountain with business owner Dorrie O’Meara. An unknown man wearing a blue t-shirt and a Boston Red Sox baseball cap (now believed to be James Michael Phillips) was identified by witnesses in shaky footage from the scene as the aggressor. The man remained on the square several minutes after the attack, associating with another man wearing a bandana under a backwards cap who threatened those holding cameras and claimed ‘gang affiliations’ (since identified as Justin Paquette of Keene). Yankee was taken away on a stretcher and has since been moved to a hospital outside of Keene for additional treatment. Four KPD units responded, and left the scene without making any arrests. Images of the man have been published by Keene Peaceful Streets. Do you know who this man is, photographed smiling as he walks away after sending another person to the emergency room? What is additionally a sad reflection on society in Keene is the indifference displayed by some bystanders to a seriously injured person laying wounded in front of them. Some people can be seen casually pouring water on nearby chalkings at the same time that friends of the injured person are sobbing for someone to call an ambulance.


Bandana-wearing man claimed ‘gang affiliations’ and grabbed at cameras of bystanders. The perpetrator of the assault (wearing the blue t-shirt) that sent Yankee to the hospital smirks behind him. UPDATE: Bandana man has since been identified as Justin Paquette of Keene.


Smiling before leaving the Square, the attacker wandered off prior to the arrival of Keene police.



With this week’s timeslot for the AKPF #1 program hijacked by opposition forces, themountains_06sfk1 Cheshire TV audience is subjected currently to a dissenting video production known as The STOP FREE KEENE!!! Show. Featuring some new content and a variety of older Free Keene and assorted videos with disclaimers and warnings attached, this new show marks new territory for the opposition to Free Keene group and the affiliated co-chapter, Monadnock Community Coalition Corporation.

Is the Union Leader Advocating Violence Against Annoying Drivers?

While skimming down the front page of the Union Leader’s website this morning, I had to do a double take to ensure that I was not mistaken in what I was seeing displayed there. It was surprising to discover that a respected statewide periodical would permit such a crass poll question as the site today so prominently displays. With seemingly no circumstantially associated content to support it, a multiple-choice poll asks, “Which type of driver would you most enjoy Tasing?”

The options presented describe different stereotypes of motor vehicle operators, some more potentially dangerous than others. Trying to get a sampling of which types of drivers most annoy others on the road can certainly be done in a tasteful and mature manner, but the presentation of the question as posed is designed specifically to provoke individuals lacking in civility and class, who resort to fantasizing violence against those with whom they have disagreements. (more…)