NHPR Focuses on Keene in Feature on the FSP – My Response

inthenews-nhpr[1]This morning on NHPR’s “The Exchange” with Laura Knoy about the Free State Project‘s first decade in NH, the haters were on the attack against liberty activists here in Keene. Keene activism dominated the conversation with FSP guests Carla Gericke, Joel Winters, and Carol McGuire (both are state representatives – Joel a democrat and Carol a republican).

Perhaps the host of the show will have another episode actually featuring Keene activists who can respond to the ridiculous critics. The usual complaints of toplessness in front of middle schoolers, smoking pot, harassing crossing guards, police, and court staff and other misinformation came up and the guests’ answers were dodgy at best or outright attacks on Keene activism. Carol McGuire, for instance, agreed with the host when she asked her if she thought Keene was a “black eye” on the Free State Project.

One thing is for sure, as Joel Winters points out, Keene activism gets people talking. Too bad none of the speakers on the show bothered to address the ridiculous critiques straight on. No one pointed out:

Dr. David Berman Confronts the Merry Men

T’was two days ago when the Merry Men, which at the time consisted of myself and Keene native Graham, were approached by a mysterious individual wielding a phone as a videocamera. Though he declines to introduce himself, he was prompt in uploading his video to his youtube channel, Dr David Berman/MusicProDave.

Discussion of the cell phone video occupied a good portion of last evening’s episode of Free Talk Live. For a confrontational encounter, I feel surprisingly relieved of responsibility to add much commentary to accompany what was digitally captured. Mr. Berman’s video, my own raw video, and the raw footage from Graham’s flipcam speak for themselves. The best illustration I have found thus far of the experience was uploaded by the Aqua Keene Parking Force, using all three angles and adding some additional videography skills into the mix.

An article about David’s video was published yesterday to Free Keene.


Comments War & Consciousness of Provocateurs

Dave Ridley gives some critical analysis to recent comment controversies. Mark Warden, a state representative from Manchester, found himself under criticism after remarks made during a hearing were reported on by the Granite State Progress blog and reposted further. Part I, The Hunt for Controversial Comments is On:

Part II, Provocateurs, Not Press…what free staters should be most on guard against

chase_wardenThis comes in the wake of the controversy stirred by Keene representative Cynthia Chase’s comments regarding actively immigrating porcupines. Ridley ambush interviewed Chase in Concord and published the video last week, which is fairly uneventful as she declines comment and moves on. In a sense, the videographer was throwing a softball by asking, ‘Do people get too focused on controversial comments and not enough on people’s actions?’

2013 Liberty Forum: Vermin Supreme Presents Vote Jesus

vsupreme_gig_libforumToday’s 2013 NH Liberty Forum presentation video is none other than footage from the screening of the unreleased documentary Vote Jesus: The Chronicles of Ken Stevenson. Presidential hopeful Vermin Supreme went undercover as Ken Stevenson in 2008 to make the film, remaining in character while engaging with numerous figures from America’s christian right. In the post-screening Q&A, Vermin discusses the history of the project and the potential for a release of some version of the film in the future. You may recognize the self-declared Emperor of the New Millenium as featured in previous Free Concord content: Election summary The Most Least Important Primary, Capitol Center debate arrest coverage, On the Campaign Trail with Vermin Supreme, Arrested on Election Eve: Why not to talk to police, Tough Questions on Oral Hygiene interview, and presidential endorsement Why You Should Consider Vermin Supreme in 2012.

I’d like to thank you all for enjoying my playing, and having fun with pretend, and coming up with these outrageous things, and running with them, and letting the people at large, and the media think that it’s something real. You people are a force multiplier for this sort of absurdity, this sort of surrealism, this sort of critique of American politics, and I think the more people that get involved and take this sort of tact, the better.

Blue Hampshire Blogger Calls FSP Participants “Cult Members”, Fears We’ll “Eliminate our State Government”

"Susan the Bruce"While calling Free State Project participants “cult members” and claiming we support censorship, a Blue Hampshire blogger, “Susan the Bruce” has been busily cleaning her personal blog comments (where her BH post is copied) of unwanted posts. The blog dust-up has hit mainstream news with the Union Leader reporting on it.

Susan, as it turns out, you’re the one in the cult – the cult of the omnipotent state. You Democrats (and Republicans) have charismatic leaders and perform rituals. There’s plenty of jargon associated with “the state” as well as a culture of fear. Please see my piece here that will lay it out for you.

People who just want you to leave others alone to live life how they want, so long as they don’t harm anyone else, are not cult members. We don’t have a leader. Our movement is decentralized. There are no rituals. We use plain english to describe the aggression of the state. You statists don’t like it when we call a spade a spade, though. Some people can’t stand it when the violence of the state is shown for all to see, which we do on a regular basis here at Free Keene. (more…)