Is Rand Paul Scared of Vermin Supreme?


Is Rand Paul scared of being turned gay by Vermin Supreme?

This morning, likely democratic presidential contender Vermin Supreme was turned away from a campaign event for Rand Paul, the not-libertarian son of Ron Paul. Rand’s “NH Operations Director” sent a notice to Vermin prior to the event asking him not to attend. Vermin had originally RSVP’d to the supposedly public event at Milford, NH’s town hall and planned to hand out free candy in hopes of garnering Rand’s endorsement. Presumably the candy would also lure the gullible Rand supporters, many of whom seem to believe Rand is a libertarian.

To Rand’s credit, he can sound libertarian on some issues and is indeed the lesser of the evil people running in the major parties, but even he claims he’s not a libertarian. In case anyone needed to know for sure, here’s a story in Newsweek about how Rand proposed a 16% increase to the military budget, something his father wouldn’t have done.

Perhaps Rand knew the candy would be too tempting and sent the order to have Vermin uninvited from today’s event, or perhaps his staffer, Tammy Simmons, acted on her own volition in an attempt to shield Rand and his supporters from the corrupting influence of Vermin’s candy.

Vermin is also known for using his fairy dust to turn democratic presidential candidate Randall Terry gay back in 2012. Odds are good Rand is aware of this tactic, and that may be his motivation to keep Vermin away. In an interview this afternoon, Vermin acknowledged it’s possible that Rand fears being turned gay, and would not comment on whether he has any fairy dust in his possession, calling that a “closely held secret.”  Rand better hope Vermin isn’t holding any fairy dust. (more…)

GOP seeks to intervene in Libertarian Party lawsuit against NH Secretary of State

Today is that special day of the year, where fiction becomes fact, and the truth becomes questionable. However, the following is a very real story first reported by Ballot Access News:

“the Republican National Committee asked a U.S. District Court to intervene in Libertarian Party of New Hampshire v Gardner, 1:14-cv-322. The issue in the lawsuit is the 2013 change to the New Hampshire election law that it made it illegal for a newly-qualifying party to circulate a party petition during an odd year.
The Republican National Committee’s motion says, “This lawsuit challenges a recent New Hampshire amendment to its election laws regarding ballot access by political organizations. The RNC proposes to intervene for the purpose of defending constitutionality of that amendment (sic)…The Republican Party has qualified for access to the New Hampshire general election ballot in 2016. Accordingly, it has a vital interest in New Hampshire’s election regulation in general and, specifically, the requirements for ballot access…the defendant (the Secretary of State) cannot adequately represent the RNC’s interests in this litigation.”
As far as is known, this is the first time any major party national committee has intervened in a constitutional ballot access lawsuit at a time remote from a presidential general election. The Democratic National Committee intervened in some lawsuits involving independent presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy in 1976, John B. Anderson in 1980, and Ralph Nader in 2004. But those interventions were on how certain ballot access laws should be interpreted, not over their constitutionality.”

In the RNC’s “answer” to the LP’s complaint, is laughable. Almost everything is “The allegations in paragraph [x] consist of legal arguments to which no response is required. To the extent that paragraph [x] contains factual allegations, they are denied.” or “The RNC lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a response to the allegations in [y].” In other words, the Republican Party is seeking to intervene in a ballot access law case, and they don’t know enough about the law or the fact to form opinions; or they simply claim every fact provided is false, without explanation!

Another interesting tidbit involving the case of Libertarian Party of New Hampshire v Gardner is a filing by the Secretary of State (Gardner) to be protected from depositions. That motion was denied!

Keene Liberty Activists Testify on Concealed Carry & Police Militarization Bills

In Concord this week, a bill that would make concealed carry of a gun legal without a license was heard by the state house criminal justice committee. It’s already passed the NH senate and if it makes it through the state house and governor it will make New Hampshire as free as its neighbor Vermont, in the area of gun freedom. The room was packed with supporters of freedom and also held a few fearmongering moms. Keene liberty activists spoke out in favor:

Darryl W. Perry:

Chris Cantwell: (more…)

Schoolhouse Shenanigans

mr smith

Mr Smith goes to Washington

Mention government corruption, wasteful spending, crony politics and most minds will undoubtedly go straight to the sleaze pit we know as Washington D.C.  Try to convince your neighbor that that same ooze may lie closer to home at the municipal level and you’ll likely run into some opposition.  After all, we’re talking about our neighbors.  Our co-workers.  These are local heroes who take time out of their busy lives to make ours better.

They are also human.  Just as corruptible and just as likely to misuse public funds as the parasites in DC.  Let me explain.

Last year the Keene School District unabashedly spent $24,000 of our money to advertise its very controversial Article 1 that dealt with the acquiring of a $13 million bond for school renovations and the subsequent closing of Jonathan Daniels Elementary.  They placed pro-article 1 ads in the Sentinel, the Shopper, on WKBK radio, and blanketed the city in campaign signs.  For those unaware, the act of using government property to influence the results of a vote is known as electioneering and is illegal in the state of NH (RSA 659:44-a). The school board justified this act by claiming a need to “educate” the folks on current affairs.  This is nothing new, really.   Governmental departments across the country are guilty of using public funds to perpetuate their own agenda. The problem is no one is calling them out on it.

When asked what he thought of this misuse of taxpayer money, KSD attorney, John Wrigley, had this to say: “I think the school board has an obligation to inform and to educate…  In 30 years I’ve been doing this I’ve seen the board over-extend itself more than once.  I sit there and I look at something and I say,  “Whoa I hope no one asks me about that.”  But those are specific details that sometimes I trip across.  I think on the whole, the board does it right, it has public hearings to inform and to educate.  …but, I think sometimes  they over-extend themselves.  But I think it’s all in good faith…we’re not talking about Richard Daley in Chicago and that sort of thing.”

So in other words, it’s ok to break the law as long as it’s for the kids and as long as it’s not Richard Daley level.  Had you or I attempted  this same stunt, we would be looking at fines and or imprisonment.  It’s true.  Badges and titles do grant special privileges to some.

Need another example of how KSD spends your money? (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Ep83 – Believe That!

Flaming Freedom 3.0 • Waging war against the Keene School District plurality • Derrick’s message to his sisters: “Rise up & Drop out of government school” • Silly activists protest city snow plows – Who believes this sh*t?  Turns out quite a few • MTV quality ISIS videos – Who believes this sh…never mind • What type of activism should I try when I get to Keene? None. Get a job • Jimmy from AZ calls in  • Erotic toliets • Darryl, Shaunna, and Derrick J join • Show notes at:

Will NH House Pass Improved Jury Nullification Bill?

As you may know, in late 2014 the NH supreme court decided against Rich Paul’s appeal, claiming the “jury nullification” bill of 2012 was not in point-of-fact, a jury nullification bill. Turns out the 2012 law was gutted prior to passing and the rejected wording was more like JR Hoell’s 2015 edition of the bill, HB 470. Hoell’s bill was heard this week by the NH house judiciary committee. Here’s the full video of the hearing, which in addition to liberty-loving activists speaking, includes the “justice” bureaucrats trying their best to dissuade the committee from supporting having the jury being informed of their full rights: