Felon, State Rep Removed from Criminal Justice Committee

State Representative Max Abramson

State Representative and FSP Participant Max Abramson

Free State Project early mover Max Abramson’s felony conviction was no secret during his campaign for State Representative in 2014 and he won anyway.

His felony conviction he has is total BS, but most mainstream reporting on his removal from the state house Criminal Justice committee ignores his side of the story and treats him like all felons are created equal. Max was convicted of a felony for firing a gun INTO THE GROUND to break up a fight at a party thrown by his roommates at the time. No one was harmed or in any danger whatsoever from his actions.

Now, because of political correctness, the new speaker of the house, Shawn Jasper (a former cop) has removed Max from his appointment to the Criminal Justice committee. Ironically, Max is one of the most qualified to be on that committee, having experienced the state’s idea of “justice” from the inside.

Here’s a Seacoast Online story about him being booted. Max will continue to be a state rep and will likely be one of the better, more liberty-friendly reps. I’m looking forward to seeing what changes he brings to the table.

NH House repeals ban on concealed weapons

By a vote of 228-149, the NH House voted to amend the first sentence of House Rule 63 to read, “No person, including members of the House, except law enforcement officers while actively engaged in carrying out their duties as such, shall display any deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V while in the House Chamber, anterooms, cloakrooms, or any portion of the State House adjacent to any of the above.” (more…)

Jazzy Victorious in Dog Activism Contest

jazzydoge_victoryDespite fierce competition from a recently deceased video activist dog, Jazzy Girl, an American Dingo/Chow mix was crowned last evening as Keene’s #1 dog activist for the 2014 season. Jazzy is the second dog from Keene to appear on local currency, after the debut of Ji’Coin featuring infamous dog activist Ji’e’toh earlier in 2014. Jazzy’s first place finish was followed by the Malinois Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, with undocumented MiniPin Ji’e’toh placing third. Jazzy enthusiasts released this statement following this award’s annuciation.

Jazzy would like to thank you for your votes and wishes you a happy new year! Here she is in front of the CopBlock banner, which she took part in weekly this year! On her walks around the campus on weekend nights she brought good cheer to many KSC students, who commented about how they missed their dogs as they lavished attention on Jazzy! Her constant presence helped us connect and share know your rights flyers with people who otherwise may not have stopped to talk.

Jazzy is also known for her acts of humility in respecting the efforts of other liberty activists in Keene, such as when she proudly accepted the placement of a Ji’Coin into her collar shortly after the fresh minting of the counter-currency. One vote was also cast for Oscar, a black lab visible at chalk rallies in the downtown and who is among the licensed canines in Keene.


Over 4% Vote for NH Liberty Party Candidate for Governor

NH Liberty Party

NH Liberty Party

Perhaps for the first time ever, 2014’s primary election featured a third party candidate running as a democrat: the New Hampshire Liberty Party‘s Ian Freeman.  Despite the entire campaign budget being about three dollars for postage and doing virtually no campaigning besides media appearances and a debate-turned-speech,  Freeman received more than 4% of the vote!

It would be comparing apples-to-oranges, but it’s interesting to note that 4% is more than 50% higher than the 2.6% score by the Libertarian Party’s candidate for governor in the 2012 general election.  The libertarians spent a lot of time and money promoting their candidate, including thousands of dollars on his ballot qualification alone.  Freeman, on the other hand since he is registered as a democrat, became ballot qualified by simply paying $100 to the Secretary of State.  Part of the campaign was to bring attention to the unfair ballot access rules for third parties in New Hampshire.

The campaign also focused on ending cannabis prohibition and secession from the United States.  You can learn more about the New Hampshire Liberty Party here.

2015 City Council Candidate Fails At Achieving Stalking Order Against FK’s Garret Ean

Bradford "King of Keene" Hutchingson

Bradford “King of Keene” Hutchingson

Bradford Hutchingson, who has been known to call himself “King of Keene” in this blog’s comments, recently filed for a stalking order to be issued against Free Keene blogger Garret Ean. Hutchingson is known for his bizarre and sometimes dangerous
behavior.  In fact, Hutchingson is facing criminal charges for an alleged attack on Garret Ean and will soon be back in superior court for a jury trial in that matter.  Hutchingson is also the only city council candidate who did worse than me in the election of 2013.

The superior court’s John C. Kissinger conducted a hearing on Monday and firmly ruled against Hutchingson’s plea, as Hutchingson admitted that he had no fear that Garret was a danger, while Garret told the judge of the multiple occasions on which Hutchingson had attacked or threatened him and offered to show video of various incidents.

During the hearing, Hutchingson announced his candidacy for Keene city council in 2015 for the at-large seats. Here’s video of the full hearing:

Black Sheep Rising – Ep79 – Should be Censored

The people vs Pumpkin Fest • The FHRITP phenomenon. The hell is wrong with people? • Feds spend $10mil on anti-obesity video game • Michelle Obama: No vote, no fried chicken • How to be a good slave…err citizen • Homeless advocates fined for feeding the homeless • W joins • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org