Concord Monitor Reports on Re-Elected Free Staters

501988c68615a0.53593007[1]If you believe the haters, liberty-loving “Free Staters” have snuck into office against the wishes of the majority of NH’s population. Of course, the reality is that there are plenty of people in NH who know and love liberty activists. That’s why they keep getting re-elected, like Carol and Dan McGuire, who have now been re-elected for State Representative multiple times. Here’s the story on them from the Concord Monitor: (more…)

Video of the Legislative Panel @ Keenevention 2014

It’s been a week since Keenevention 2014 and that means it’s time to begin releasing the full video coverage from the event! (If you’re impatient, you can watch all of 2013 here.) We’ll go in chronological order, so first up is the Legislative Panel featuring Mark Warden, the two-time liberty “Legislator of the Year” (as awarded by the NH Liberty Alliance)!  Mark’s panelists included activist-of-the-year Keith Carlsen and the political director of the NH Liberty Alliance, Kevin Bloom! The informative panel covered how to be effective in New Hampshire’s amazingly accessible legislature, whether you are an elected state rep or just someone who wants to have an impact:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release!

Alleged Free Staters Win At Least 15 Seats in State House

Free State ProjectAccording to a handy list compiled by “Free State Project Watch“, a project by pro-state group “Granite State Progress“, at least 15 people they alleged to be Free State Project participants have won the 2014 general election!!!

This is huge news. The previous counts of Free Staters in the state house were 12 in 2010, 11 in 2012, and now at least 15! It’s impressive that so many have won elected office already and the official move for the Free State Project has yet to even happen. (The FSP move doesn’t officially start until we reach 20,000 participants and we’re currently over 16,000.)

Not only that, but it’s extra impressive in that the FSP haters put in quite a bit of time, money, and effort to try to stop us. Untold thousands of dollars were spent on hitpiece flyers sent to countless households “outing” candidates as “Free Staters”.

Sure, some candidates lost, but others, like Free State Project participant and democrat Elizabeth Edwards in Manchester, got first place. Edwards even got more votes than did the incumbent!

I don’t know everyone on the list provided by GSP, so presuming it’s accurate – they claim to have done their homework – then it’s safe to say that at least 15 Free Staters are victorious this year, which is a new record high!

If that wasn’t enough good news, the majority of New Hampshire Liberty Allianceendorsed candidates won tonight as well!  (NHLA-endorsed candidates vote for liberty more often than not – they aren’t necessarily principled libertarians.)

Are you still living outside of New Hampshire? How did the libertarians do in your area? Likely they weren’t even on the ballot or did very poorly. Why not move to where liberty has a chance? Move to New Hampshire and join over 1,600 early movers with the Free State Project and help us achieve liberty in our lifetime!

Rebel Love Show Ep 26: Shire Sharing, Voluntaryist Charity in Action


Amanda Bouldin drops by the the Rebel Love studio to discuss her Voluntaryist Charity “Shire Sharing“. Other topics include Keenevention, church of the sword, Amanda running unopposed as a Democrat for state rep, socially awkward liberty folk in the Shire, peaceful parenting in the project, and the ghost of Pedro! Amanda is walking the walk with a charity that operates outside of the state. Please consider donating to Shire Sharing today! Shire Sharing’s bitcoin wallet to donate to is: 1CBr5J9vPMVzf5S22vdMUXkcLw8p4w7JgU

The Rebel Love Show is a once a week broadcast from Manchester NH and is available on Itunes, Stitcher, and youtube.

AKPF #1: Beclear

In this installment of AKPF #1, originally aired September 29, we are granted an anthology of president Obama’s clearest moments, including an after action report of a recently contested parking ticket in the DPRK district court system. Enjoy AKPF #1 episode, Beclear.