Big Government Republican Attacks Free Staters in Guest Editorial

Fergus Cullen, like all power-seekers, is feeling very threatened by the Free State Project participants who are winning election as republicans in New Hampshire.  In his guest editorial for the Union Leader, Cullen whines about the freedom lovers taking power away from people like him and gives several tips on how to detect who the liberty-loving candidates are in their local elections: (more…)


This week’s AKPF #1 timeslot has the unique opportunity of being filled with a special edition aftershow of Black Sheep Rising, in which the deeper meanings of the hollywood samuell_ji_jazzyproduction “Jumper” are crucially analyzed. In this installment, which runs slightly longer than the standard 29 minute blocks, the audience is treated to illustrated excerpts from the controversial late night television program, censored for presentation to the daytime audience of Cheshire TV.

To what institutions in society does the jumping scenario present an analogous interpretation? Is Samuel L. Jackson’s role that of an enforcer, an elder, a spiritual leader, or a tyrant? Should jumping ever be prohibited by law? Was Vincent Vega truly responsible for the incident which traumatically affected the character Marvin in Pulp Fiction? Unanswered questions about how jumping effects the lives of so many are approached with answers in this unforgettable review of Anakin and Mace Windu’s much anticipated rematch.

Ian’s Speech At the First NH Gubernatorial Debate (Hassan Chickens Out)

Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of being able to speak for up to ten minutes in front of the first New Hampshire gubernatorial debate. There will be no democrat debate, since both of the other democrat candidates refused to respond to the invitation from Franklin Pierce University. I’m grateful to the organizers at FPU for the opportunity to speak despite the other candidates’ absence.

It’s kind of surreal to watch a voluntarist (me) speak truth to power about the criminal state while standing in front of that very state’s flag (gang insignia), yet, it actually happened:

(And only possible in New Hampshire.)

Here’s the speech in written form: (more…)

AKPF #1: Demchomskynow

This week’s AKPF #1 installment focuses on recent events across the globe, as linguistics professor Noam Chomsky narrates an analysis of what has driven the  tragic massacres in Gaza. Illustrated with footage from the area and beyond, this special edition ranks among the most informative and insightful episodes.